Manns pro lacquer?

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Established Member
27 Jun 2023
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York or surrounding

Anybody used this stuff?
It's a 2 part water based lacquer.
What benefits do you get from using a 2 part lacquer?

Seems more hassle mixing the hardener to it each time and mixing the correct amount each can not just pour it back into the tin if you don't use all you have mixed.

Meant to be more durable and cure faster than single part. I used a similar product on a floor recently. It certainly seems durable, but was more tricky to get a good finish than any other varnish I have ever used. It was for a hallway though and last time I used Ronseal Diamond hard it didn't last as well as I had hoped. Would be interested to hear if anyone else has tried them - I asked previously, but didn't get any responses.
2 pack water based are as tough as the solvent based products. Undortuneatly there also as hazardous so take care.. acid cat pot life is 3 or 4 days so its not like spraying epoxy.
Thanks, so to spray they are hazardous?
It does say low odour And low VOC do I thought they would be just like an acrylic lacquer to spray?
thanks, why was it more tricky than normal lacquer?
I was using morrels induro X2, which is described as a varnish not a lacquer. From reading around and speaking to one of the technical people though I don't think there are any specific difference in chemistry between these water based "varnishes" and "lacquers".

It was just a lot harder to get to sit flat than any other varnish I have used. Never even considered floor varnish could be difficult to apply - you just got out a roller / brush and cracked on. This seemed to have a very narrow window between too thin a coat and looking stippled and too thick and so pooling and giving odd shiny patches. Got the hang of it in the end and floor varnish needs several coats, so any imperfections early on got hidden and anyhow 1 extra coat can be regarded as a good thing on the long run!

Obviously everything has dramatic safety warnings on them, but reading the SDS sheet it didn't look scary like an acid cat lacquer.

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