I reckoning very few of us could match that - wow.
The hatching bit you won't remember, but as I can remember things at 4, the being buried must have been bloody frightening and quite traumatic. I didn't realise that bombers were still being active as far on as the war as that.
I'm 1+ a bit years behind you - March 1942. Fortunately we were in Devon and far enough away from all the activity. I do have memories from there but unlike my mother nothing related to the war.
So which date are you committing to celebrating the decade?
I reckoning very few of us could match that - wow.
The hatching bit you won't remember, but as I can remember things at 4, the being buried must have been bloody frightening and quite traumatic. I didn't realise that bombers were still being active as far on as the war as that.
I'm 1+ a bit years behind you - March 1942. Fortunately we were in Devon and far enough away from all the activity. I do have memories from there but unlike my mother nothing related to the war.
So which date are you committing to celebrating the decade?