This really has turned into an applicable topic for someone called Digit and someone called 9Fingers!!
Keep it up guys - it's good entertainment.
I do like your idea of the toaster timer. Next time I'm at the skip I'll see if there's any lying about. I was about to say to Graeme that he should go down the adjustable delay timer from Farnell, etc., rather than experiment with 555's and the likes as the kit he's experimenting on and the power floating about make experimental circuits a hazard, but the toaster timer will probably avoid to many risks.
We discussed earlier adding a comment to your induction motor pages on this problem; may I make the suggestion that you do add something as this is clearly a real problem, and an on-going one to boot. The follow-on problem is the potential overheating of the starter winding - now my electronics is sufficiently well developed that extending the time would have been easy, but my motor knowledge would have lacked the point about the reduced copper in the starter winding and I wouldn't have been aware of this risk. Graeme has been made aware of this risk, and for my workshop I would share his philosophy of accepting it, but if was doing this for an industrial or club situation I do now at least know about it and I wouldn't accept that risk.
I'm sure that you can word such information in such a way that your integrity is not challenged