The discolouration known as spalting is caused by a fungus which gets into the end grain of some woods,
particularly when they have fallen or been felled and left in situ for a period. The degree of spalting,
as the fungus progresses through the grain of the wood is usually related to the length of time the wood has been
left lying. It will, if the wood is left lying too long, eventually lead to the wood rotting. However, if the log is milled
into boards, the spalting process usually ceases and goes no further. So if your wood is still sound (looks it from
your pic.) mill it into boards and put it 'in stick' to dry. As a rule of thumb, a 1" thick board will need about
12 months to air dry. A 2" board is likely to need more than 2 years, and so on. The thicker the boards,
proportionately they need longer to dry. They should, however, remain sound if they are sound, and not soft,
to start with. If they are soft, best use them for some winter heating!
For air-drying, in case you are not aware, they should have a free flow of air around them but, at the same time,
be protected from rain and direct sunlight. To prevent, or at least keep to a minimum, end splitting, it is important
to seal any end grain a.s.a.p. - I normally use undiluted PVA, or some old, left over paint will do. Hope this helps.
BTW I wouldn't worry about explaining your criminal conviction to the lads down the pub - better to worry more
about what you'll tell the cops if you get caught! :wink: :lol: :lol:
P.S. Next step here is to get your pic. size smaller! Don't know if this is the easiest way but here's how I do it FWIW:
find the pic. on my computer. Right click on it and then left click 'Edit' from the menu that appears.
Then l.click 'Image' on the top menu, then l.click 'sketch/skew'. Change horizontal and vertical to 50% for half-size, etc.
Then l.click on 'file' then 'save as' - choose name for image and save.
Picture size of 640 x 480 is about right for posting on here. It is then ready for putting on your hosting site.