Local hospital and overseas aid????


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Established Member
21 Sep 2007
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North Yorks
So our local hospital is having to start a campaign to raise £300000 for essential services for one of its wards and we as a country send millions of pounds in aid to other countries two of whom (South Africa, India) I gather have their own space program ??? How does that work then??
Whilst not disagreeing with the manner in which some aid seems to be dispensed I would like to clarify my own experience in this, I would add that I do not know to what extent this is normal. But to continue, a company I worked for manufactured pumps etc, most of our sales were abroad and some at least of the sales were paid for by the British tax payer, in other words there were strings attached to the aid.
India may have a space programme, what the press doesn't tell us is whether it is home brewed or bought in. Iran has a nuclear programme, but much of it is out sourced.
Headlines sell papers, left and right before another 'debate' starts.

I think UKW is an interesting small view on the UK, there's been a lot more political discussions recently on very big issues. People are becoming more active and aware, if we had been so interested and active to let our displeasure be heard or the past decade we may not be in the situation we are now.

I can tell you one thing thou, £300'000 in a hospital budget is complete peanuts, like the local church raising £200 for a pane of glass.
That is very true Chems, but this is a peanuts operation that should be done without the locals having to provide the services that they have already paid for via their taxes, etc.

This is the situation I believe?
http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/9358749 ... roke_unit/

Charity begins at home and if the home falls down its own hole then what for charity then? The grabbers that have taken would just complain that there was no more money. Also, what happens to the money sent to these 'needy' countries? Just how much actually reaches the 'needy' after the corruption controlled clowns who 'run' those countries have had their share and lined their pockets?
Thats the very hospital John!. It does seem to defy all logic the way governments work. I can`t for the life of me understand why we arn`t screaming from the roof tops to get out of the ruddy EU for instance. If you believe what you read in the papers it seems we are pumping £50 million a day into the EU and getting what out of it?? Cut out all that needless spending and maybe just maybe our pensions wouldn`t be in the mess they are in, maybe employment prospects would be better for our kids and maybe hospitals wouldn`t have to resort to soddin money raising campaigns for funds to do what they are supposed to do :twisted: Phew! going for a lie down..........
Jonzjob":356bbpva said:
should be done without the locals having to provide the services that they have already paid for via their taxes, etc.

I fully agree, I just meant that it seems like an odd figure that they can't shell out for seen as its such peanuts to them. Probably a tester, if they can do it at this hospital they will say that all hospitals need to make x% of their budget from charity donations.

I was appalled when visiting Bombay (sorry Mumbai) to see all the cardboard houses built on the beaches while the Indian Govt invests huge sums in space research. The cardboard houses were washed away when there were abnormally high tides; within 48 hours they were back again. Some folk are just so resilient, but their governments have their priorities totally screwed.

Seems to me the process for handing out aid goes something like -
PM - We have millions to give away in aid but I see you have a space program?
Indian PM - Yes and your point is?
PM - Oh sorry I thought if you could afford a space program you wouldn`t need our help for your people?
Indian PM - Don`t worry about that let us worry about that!
PM - Oh thats ok then where do we send the money?
henton49er":necaryq0 said:

I was appalled when visiting Bombay (sorry Mumbai) to see all the cardboard houses built on the beaches while the Indian Govt invests huge sums in space research. The cardboard houses were washed away when there were abnormally high tides; within 48 hours they were back again. Some folk are just so resilient, but their governments have their priorities totally screwed.

The right wing answer would be that it's OK, markets take care of everything and wealth trickles down. The peoples' answer, eventually, if they don't die first, will be revolution of one sort or another, as has happened all over the world at one time or another.
The sensible socialist answer would yes you are right and wealth has to be redistributed. There is no alternative in a civilised world.
Not unique to India though. We hear/read many times about people in this country living in disgusting conditions. Not enough housing - not enough money is the usual excuse. There are thousands of empty properties in the UK. There also seems to be little difficulty finding the odd £20 Million to spend on security - for a Wedding, or an eviction or wining and dining the many 'chosen few' .