- I agree that we've 'moved on' somewhat -

and yes it's now more about threading in general - and when I awoke this morning I did not expect to be digging into knowledge I gained some 40+ years ago !
As an historical context note - I was for some years head of the Export threading department at Herbert Small Tools, dealing with orders for threading equipment worldwide so being exposed to many 'special' thread forms that most British or American workshops would seldom, if ever, come across.
Ah - No - I don't think I've ever had a discussion on Quora - and I wouldn't have had an opinion about pre "Whitworth" standardisation
You can seldom rely upon the core dia. being the standard root dia. since standard engineering practice is to use a drill to leave something less than full depth to make tapping easier.
As far as measuring the head of an M6 bolt is concerned --- I had assumed he was using a grub screw --- but it could be a Cap Screw, again you would need 'inside knowledge' to determine the 'standard'. I'll bet that you and I could distinguish the difference between a ¼BSF, an M6 and a 0BA grub screw simply by 'feel' and sight but then, we know that the thread forms are quite different.
My previous mention of 2BA (#29) was an error

out of context!