For handtool woodworkers: which bench planes do you work with?

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infested my wetware
Must be advancing years, but this phrase stopped me in my tracks. It took me a moment to decipher this as "brain developed an obsession" instead of...'parasitised tissues further down'?

Ahh, the lexicon expands daily...No! "lexicon" is not a euphemism, Norbert!
No block plane, no5 , la bevel up, shoulder, wooden compass, small bronze plane which is really handy and better than a block imho. Machines first though.
DIY bodger and workshop tinkerer (making a moravian-ish bench at present). In lockdown I got a thing for bench planes and bought about 20 old ones over a couple of years, intending to refurb and whittle them down to the ones I like. Turns out that's mostly the 4, but using my great-great-great uncle's old wooden jack makes me happy and there's a big wooden jointer which is flatter than my metal 5.5 or 6... and a 10 1/2 carriage plane and a router plane, a tiny shoulder plane and a wee bullnose that come out occasionally.

Just need to get around to the whittling-down bit now :)