Lighter weight vacuum cleaner for home use - any suggestions

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
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Nottingham, England
Hi all

We need to buy a lightweight bagless vacuum cleaner for use in the home, it is totally carpeted.

We looked at the Dyson DC03 Absolute, but then found a number of negative reviews.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a robust lighter weight bagless vacuum cleaner? Budget, up to 200'ish.

Just bought a Russel Hobbs last week as shown here
bagless, very light and seems perfectly fine. Has a filter which Im told is important by 'er indoors and sucks like a sucky thing. We bought it to replace a Dyson that has broken twice in the year we've had it. THe Dysons really do seem to be a triumph of design over function as far as I can see.

Cheers Mike
I bought a cheapie French cyclone vacuum and it sucks...metaphorically. Absolutely useless. I'd avoid cheapie cyclones if this one is anything to go by.

We have a bagless Miele and that is pretty good and IIRC in your price range.
Dont get a bloody Dyson unless you want to walk around with ear defenders on, does my head in... :?
Dyson. Strange how someone can make so much dosh from producing absolute c**p. Marketing.
Doing a lot of fitting jobs in clients' homes, you get to be quite an expert on different vacuum cleaners! Although I carry one in the van, I always ask to borrow theirs - 90% of the time they reply 'Don't worry love, I'll do it after you've gone'. RESULT!!! :lol:

From the times I have to use one, however, I would rank them as follows;

1. Kirby. These are those ridiculously heavy old fashioned looking things sold door to door using strong arm American sales tactics to vulnerable old dears for a couple of grand. Thing is, the product is absolutely fantastic! The carpet is literally lifted up from the floor by the suction. Great quality - pity about the way they feel they have to market them. I have a Kirby sales office near my shop - a sleazier looking bunch of individuals it would be difficult to imagine!

2. Hoover Junior. The hoover of our youth. My mum had one. Your mum had one. Everyone's mum had one. Find one with a metal casing (later models were plastic) and you'll never need to replace it. The Wadkin of the vacuum cleaner world. Still see a lot of them in daily use.

3. Henry. The little feller with the bowler hat. Great design, great performance. Great for carrying round in the van.

4 - 55 The rest. They're all much of a muchness.

56. Dyson. The ultimate example of form over function. James Dyson pulled off the world's greatest marketing conjuring trick by persuading us all to spend three times what we needed to to aquire his frankly pants 'invention'. And not just once - but again and again!!
I believe that Hoover experimented with the cyclone system in the sixties but dismissed it as unworkable and ineffective. Avoid at all costs.

the henry hoover mentioned by brad above is excellent , and used by most trades people , and industrial cleaners
it comes with a bag {paper type}
but works just as well without the bag , but the filter gets a bit clogged and requires more emptying and tapping out of the filter element
We've had a Dyson for years. Works well provided you keep cleaning all the filters - but so many parts of it are badly designed. The worst bit is the hose arrangement, which often needs replacing. I use a Henry in my workshop and on my power tools. Fantastic. It was second-hand when I got it and it just keeps going. I use it without a bag.

Cheers :wink:


Just had a thought. A lot of us use domestic vacuums in the workshop - why not consider a workshop vacuum for domestic use? Ones like this ... ge=English have always struck me as being very well made; relatively quiet; they come with all the attachments; they are on wheels; you can use them with or without a bag; and they would probably last longer and out-perform your average domestic vacuum by a long way. Might be worth considering - if it doesn't work out, at least you could use it in the workshop :D

Cheers :wink:

Hi Paul

I have the Trend coloured one and it is excellent.

The "lady who does" wants a lighter weight cleaner and that one will be a bit too cumbersome. The wheels don't really lend themselves to lots of movement either.

Good try though. :wink:

We must be one of the lucky few who have a Dyson and (touch wood!) have had no problems at all with it :shock:

Had it several years, highly effective, and far, far better than anything else we have had over the years.

There does appear to be a lot of problems reported about them generally, but can only speak from our experience so far which has been great !

Cheers, Paul. :D
I've got an old vax without a bag in it, that works. :) When swmbo aint looking I use her Henry which has no bag in it, I've seen an add recently for Henries or one of his brothers for about £79ish.
I used to know mr Dyson. I used to be in the Porsche owners club, he was too. Nice fella, c**p Hoovers. :D

Anyway, I have the Numatic 'henry' which is good, although the 'bin' is quite small. This is my workshop vac. I also have the George at home for doing the cars etc. It's got better wheels, a bigger bin and will do shampoo as well. It really does work very well. I would highly recommend this one as its well under your £200.00 budget. Got mine from Axminster, I think it was £160.00 at the time. No problems with Either if them. The Henry is years old now as well, it had a tough life too.

We also have the Dyson 'Animal' thingy. It's ok i suppose, very loud. I think we got one because someone else we knew got one. Then SWMBO said we 'need' one, but SWMBO prefers to use the 'George' as it's less hard work pulling it round and its more powerful.

hmmmmm having caught the tail end of this chat, after I ordered a light weight vacumn cleaner.Cost €55.00 unfortunately there is no link on the web site but once tried and evulated I will post pics and a review.
It does have two things which impressed me
1. 1800 tool take off
2 Re-usable dust bag - not a paper throw away :)

Ok, it has a EUROPEAN socket, but that is not too hard to swap over to a UK socket oulet.

if you are going for the Henry type I whole heartedly recommend the Numatic NVQ range. VQ = very quite. I have one as a shop vac and would also use it indoors. It is very quite (49db from memory)

I bought mine for about £130 from

For indoors we have a Dyson and todate (4 years) no complaints.
