Lied Nielsen No8.

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5 Oct 2014
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Sunny Glasgow
OK this is a moan.
I've a couple of Axminster catalogs. One from 2015, one from 2018/19

In the 2015 catalog, the price is £469.96

In the 2018/19 catalog the price is £472.00

So in the space of 3 years, its increased in price £2.04
Roll on to what would be the 2022/23, catalog (Same amount of time difference-3 years) and the price now is...
£835 for a 'new other' on Axminster tools outlet ebay site. So new I'd expect it to be more than that.
On The US LN site it is $550 which is £433.28
Now I can understand it being a bit more in the UK, and probably closer in price to the 2015 and 2018/19 prices, Even going on the trend you would reasonably think the price for 2022/23 would be £475, but how is F*** name did they get to £835

Someone tell me what I've missed :?
It's £725 and out of stock at classic hand tools as well.scarcity of stock during covid drove used prices higher than new,stocks are still low now, profiteering on everything In UK at moment is rife
I got my sweetheart era stanley 7 for £62
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I think it's more complex than that, the cost of shipping it here has gone up, but agree that it's now utterly ridiculous what they now cost.
They would probably still sting you with import tax when you get back to the uk . I think it’s a combination of brexit, Covid and the war in Ukraine and of course cost of living + a healthy dose of greed..
I got my record no7 for about £70, think that was 2015 but it's a nice one, put in a hock blade/cap iron, it's more than good enough for me for the rest of my life, can get ridiculously thin shavings with it now it's set up, it sings like a bird.
I had one for sale a while ago, but no one was interested in it as it had a shallow scratch in the sole.

I'll wait until the price reaches £10,000 and put it up for sale again.

Won't be long at this rate.
And that’s why I went physically to LN when I was in the US. Thanks again to all who encouraged me to do the 3 hour drive. So glad that I did
At what point does a woodwork tool become crypto currency?
It looks like its already happened.Out of interest,has anybody seen a professional using a No 8 plane?My feeling is that they tend to use a planer and get the job out of the door,while the hobbyists buy the (heavy) trinkets.
It looks like its already happened.Out of interest,has anybody seen a professional using a No 8 plane?My feeling is that they tend to use a planer and get the job out of the door,while the hobbyists buy the (heavy) trinkets.
I use a 7 occasionally and next step above for me is a 26" woody which is longer and much lighter than an 8
It's the same with all tools (especially those coming from the other side of the pond).

A few other examples of Lie-Nielsen tools,

No.7 Jointer
2018 - £432
2022 - £660
2023 - £625

Bevel Edged Chisels
2018 - £54
2022 - £112
2023 - £109

lockdowns, weak pound, demand over supply all have played their part
prices have started to come down a little now, but they'll never go back
I cant imagine running in effect, a hobby/luxury tool business has been easy in the last few years. With the energy cost rises all that forging and machining must have rocketed. In real terms if you look at some simple material like plywood it has doubled. At the end of the day its a persoanl decison as you buy and alternative