Lidl next Monday (16th)

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Dick my point about using one of mine to measure the other is doing just that and they measure the same.
A friend of mine who built this ... brooks.JPG
bike FROM SCRATCH including engine machining etc uses one, and has fitted a similaring range of x,y,z axis "cheap kit to his milling machine and lathes. Mind you he's no expert :shock: in this field, he's a Telecom engineer by day so he probably doesn't know what he's doing, and not as clever as some.

Hi, chaps

I find the best thing about them is us old ones find them much, much easer to read.

I have a Liddle digital caliper and find it great, as Pete says its good for us oldys with non 20/20 sight :shock:
I notice the latest offering does not have the Imperial facility like the previous ones,

I've got the Lidl one's - more than accurate enough for my standard of wood butchery - but at the start of the thread someone ask about a Stanley Intellimeasure. If you haven't already bought one my advice would be beware. I bought a Stanley measure for about 50 euros and it was useless. I now have a Hilti one which cost a fortune but actually measures things (accurately) Locally they had Leica ones on offer - still expensive at about 130 euros but well worth it.
I bought some from here and they are OK. Checked them against my Mitutoyo ones and no difference in at all. I machine bits of metal to very close tolerances as my day job and only use Mitutoyo, Starret, Moore and Wright etc for this but the cheap ones are fine for woodwork. always had excellent customer service from Arc Eurotrade as well.

Woody Alan":3tzwn9ey said:
Dick my point about using one of mine to measure the other is doing just that and they measure the same.
A friend of mine who built this ... brooks.JPG
bike FROM SCRATCH including engine machining etc uses one, and has fitted a similaring range of x,y,z axis "cheap kit to his milling machine and lathes. Mind you he's no expert :shock: in this field, he's a Telecom engineer by day so he probably doesn't know what he's doing, and not as clever as some.

Point taken, Alan. I was sort-of assuming you meant measuring the same item with different calipers and getting agreement.
But that bike is some beast - just wish other BT engineers used something like that to come out to mend faults, rather than Transits governed down to 5mph except on the way home :)
But that bike is some beast - just wish other BT engineers used something like that to come out to mend faults, rather than Transits governed down to 5mph except on the way home
Rumour has it that when the shareprice drops below a pound we are going back to motorbike and sidecar or morris 1000's with rubber wings.
The chap who built the drag bike is an exceptional engineer very much in the mould of slightly eccentric British "can do" his day job is simply a means to an end.
For the record neither he or I have anything to do with customer end related stuff, we deal with the bits that people don't know or care to know are there. He supports his bike and I support my family...and he envy's me??? so he said after a few pints in the pub.
He does do a bit of woodwork he has just made a pattern for getting some new cylinder heads cast in Sheffield. He did do it on his milling machine though despite my offers of help.

I can also vouch for the lidl calipers,had mine a couple of years and have no probs with them.Compared them with a friends v expensive jewellers ones and were bang on to each other. I store mine with the battery out of them,still going strong
Got a couple in the Granite City Lidl today. They don't have the "feel" of a Mitutoyo (or Moore & Wright of hallowed memory), but seem to be accurate to within .01mm. And easy to read for elderly eyesight. Get the impression that one has a bit better feel than the other, so will mark that one for regular use.
Certainly has to be worth it at that price.
picked up one this morning, also got a hot glue gun and sticks for £10 - no idea if that was a good deal or not but at a tenner it seemed daft not to buy it.
I bought a glue gun, a box of glue sticks and a pack of 5 clamps, can't have too many can I ? :roll:

Spent £15. :oops:

I bought a box of crazy coloured glue sticks some and chocolates for the wife, I hope we don't get mixed up. :wink:

Spent about 15 minutes looking for the hand saw, couldn't find it so came home, then realised I'd been in Aldi not Lidl :oops:
Pip":8td94juj said:
Spent about 15 minutes looking for the hand saw, couldn't find it so came home, then realised I'd been in Aldi not Lidl :oops:

=D> :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nice one pip.