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Established Member
29 Mar 2021
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Been having broadband problems recently. The TV has a load of apps, one of which is ParamountPlus and which gets its knickers in a twist if the streaming supply gets interrupted. It does not handle 'errors' well at all, locks up and impossible to restart until you power-cycle the TV.

And therein lies the problem as I found out. You do the power-cycle and after a while the screen comes up, the usual display showing channels and apps etc appears and you think 'Good -oh' and start pressing the remote buttons to get back to where you were and stop the kids having a tantrum. This is not a good idea. Go and make a cup of tea or get another bottle of beer from the fridge.

Let it load. That way lies sanity. DAMHIKT
I do everything on the PC and just use the TV as a monitor.

Much more reliable and faster.
My contribution was to point out if you didn't already know that other devices handle internet much smoother faster and consistently than most TV's.

It's not hard to ignore a post that you don't appreciate.

No need to disparage a genuine contribution.
So in what way do those last two posts add anything to the thread ?

Another way of looking at Artie's post is suggesting that having everything run via the computer you have the option oft uninstalling the app,clearing out the cookies, then downloading the latest version from the 'paramount' website and reinstalling it

I've netflix, disney+,paramount and Now tv apps on my pc and with Now tv i log in, but when i try to continue playing the series i've been watching, the screen went blank.
I uninstalled the app, then downloaded a fresh version and that solved the problem.

I see on you tube theres several tutorials about deleting now tv app off your smart tv, but you'll also have to see how or even if you can reinstall it.
Just googled that and it says you can download paramount into a sky box. Is that the system you have or something different ?.
Our smart tv would have a diky fit when using some of the apps, so I turned it into a dumb tv by doing a first installation/factory reset, and not letting it connect to the Internet, and put all the apps on the firestick, my reasoning is that's what it's designed for, not like the tv, works a lot better now.
The root of the problem - TV development has mainly focussed on improving the visual and audio experience - only in the last few years has the need for processing capability increased.

Last year some builders managed to break a small (32") TV. They swiftly replaced the LG model with a cheap JVC - it apparently had all the bells and whistles needed of a small TV. All fine so far!

However it rapidly became apparent that the JVC, whilst fine with an external arial, was abysmally slow in anything internet related. A little like running Windows 7 when everybody else was using Windows 11 - it barely coped with the basics.

Trying to run apps on a TV more than (say) 5 years old is potentially fraught. Apps will tend to be built to optimise performance using current processors (speed and data capacity). A 5 year old TV, like a smartphone or laptop at 5+ years will still do the basics but is slowly becoming obsolete.
Actually, I think that what you will find is that the TV manufacturer provides a framework that allows third-parties such as BBC iPlayer, Apple TV to develop their own apps. That does provide longevity but I do agree that at some point down the road the framework won't support all the goodies being developed out in the wider IT-realm.

It is not foolproof. When ADSL drops and we're mid-stream from ParamountPlus, their flakey software does not handle this event properly and crashes, taking the TV with it. A full power-cycle is required.