Don't underestimate the cost of tools, chuck etc. If you see someone offering a 'deal' with these included they could very easily be worth as much as the lathe itself, when you consider a new HSS bowl gouge could well cost around £60, and a chuck could easily cost £200 plus jaws.
I have a Myford ML8 and it is a solid, well built machine, as indeed it should be considering at today's prices it would be over £1000 to buy new. Early ones are yellow, then they changed to silver, and finally green before productopn ended in the 80s. Mine is yellow, so probably 50 odd years old, and still good.
As James said, please do not buy one of those Clarke etc (lumberjack, vevor etc) lathes with 2 square bars for a bed. They really are rubbish.
Also, factor in the cost of a sharpening system. A bench grinder is a good start. Get yourself a copy of Woodturning, A Foundation Course by Keith Rowley. You will find plans for a home made sharpening jig in there as well as a wealth of other useful information.
Welcome to the money pit, and do enjoy your woodturning.