I know I'm safe with my set up. It all end up to one twin socket fed from the generator to which I can plug in my tele. etc. Nothing connected to the incoming house supply
This one is sold in the US- 'drier to generator' (No earth!!!- thats neutral, 120 line 1 and 120v line 2...)
View attachment 124403
Actually I checked and it is a combination neutral/earth (it has to be, as it definitely 'powers up' the 120v circuits according to people online- and that can only happen if it is providing a neutral link to the generator...)
Otherwise if it was only providing L1 and L2, then anything 120v would only be connected to a live line, and no return path (unless it found a random one back through other appliances/devices to the L2 from L1- which would be ..... unwise....
I'm aware of the US system and how it works, but it has a lot of stuff that simply wouldn't pass muster here ('suicide cords' being only one of them)
The 'neutral/earth' has to come from the generator, if it was truly only a earth and two lines as you said before (actives as we would call them here in Oz) then if you had no loads between the L2 and the neutral line, any connected loads on the L1/N circuit would have their N floating, and wouldn't work... and connecting a load on the L2 would then provide a path from L1 to L2, with the voltage on each depending on each loads apparent load resistance...
Not good, as you could end up with well overvoltaged on one half, and undervolts on the other half....
'Smokin' as the Mask likes to say...
(the combined earth/neutral hasn't been allowed in new installs for several decades here in Australia (1970's/80's from memory) and if you used the same breaker system as in the UK or Oz, a 'suicide cord' like that genny/drier one wouldn't work anyway, as you would be using the earth circuit as part of the current return path, and the protection MCB's would immediately trip)
My sister went to Thailand with one of her friends who came from there, and she sent me back some photos of the street cabling there (knowing I'd be interested lol)Aw, guys ! It's no fun if there aren't 50 houses strung off a transformer up a pole and the whole lot fizzing and sparking in the rain
My favorite is upside down plastic water bottles to keep the rain out of the cable joints at the base of the streetlights.