We are a world built on the shoulders of history, and the availability of energy. Just about every advance in society has energy at its core, excluding the arts perhaps.
Hydrocarbons are an incredible source of energy, when you ‘charge’ your petrol tank with fuel you are charging at a rate of about 20MW. That is about 100 times faster than the fastest EV ultra fast charger. Hydrocarbons are also relatively safe, diesel is actually quite hard to ignite. Additionally they are very transportable, and storage stable for long periods. They are a the perfect energy source, almost..
Finding hydrocarbons jumped society forwards, bringing prosperity to much of the world, along with war and other geopolitical issues that have killed/hurt many. We would not have advanced as quickly without them, and the surge in life expectancy would not have occurred. These relationships are all well researched and understood, they are hard to argue against.
However, we now understand the environmental impact that increasing levels of carbon dioxide are having on the climate. Just to be clear, the world will be fine with any increase, humans not so much! Failure to act will result in mass deaths, some obvious and visible (floods, hurricanes etc) but the majority much less visible but very clear in the statistics ie, average life expectancy dropping due to lower nutrition levels, stretched healthcare etc.
Our world is addicted to energy and currently to hydrocarbons as the source. To expect anyone who has understood the need to act to divorce themselves from this addiction immediately is unreasonable and unrealistic. No person alive today is responsible for the decisions of the past and the society this has resulted in, we are born into it and have to live within it, we have to heat our homes and feed our families, that does not preclude them from speaking up about it and trying to change it. A man born into slavery is not a hypocrite for trying to abolish slavery, even if he is being fed by the slaves around him, he is trying to free all slaves not just himself.
The world needs to transition from hydrocarbons to other low/zero carbon energy sources. This transition will be difficult, complex, expensive, but essential. For some it will be too slow, and they will be in the streets protesting and changing hearts, minds and policies, thank you to you all for having the passion most of us lack. For others it will be too fast, and they will protest about the immediate impact on their lives, and worry that government policy/focus is missing what is important to them. That’s what freedom of speech and democracy are all about.