Keir Starmer

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Corruption, by any other name, is still corruption
How is it corruption?

Robert Jenrick taking £75,0000 from a company with no employees and no assets which is registered in the Cayman Islands. That’s corruption.

Oddly I’ve not seen you get upset about that.

Taking clothes which are given free, is an act of getting free publicity for the brand, there’s no evidence of wanting anything in exchange.

Lord Ali as far as I can tell has donated to,Labour for years.l..if you can provide any evidence that he has gained anything via way of policy influence, please let me know. The guy seems to do a lot for charity as far as I can tell.
The right wing media have been screaming that Labour (who have followed the expenses rules) are far worse than the Tories (who didn’t follow the rules).

Keir Starmer getting a free pair of glasses has had way more media coverage than Robert Jenrick mysteriously getting a donation of £75,000 from a company that has no employees and is £300k in debt.

The false equivalence is staggering
This isn't about 'equivalence' It's because of the antics by the like of Jenrick Boris et all that the Tories are out of office.

When they were in office, Starmer pontificated about how Labour would put an end to sleaze.

The fact that he, and his ministers are mired in it, accepting largesse worth many thousands of pounds from vested interests (betting and gaming, Sports etc) in my view is a seriously aggravating factor. Snouts in the trough comes to mind. Whether it's legal or not is by the by. If anyone can point a finger and say: "fancy that, and him the Prime Minster", or "her the Home Secretary/ Minister for Education' or whoever, if they don't want to see their reputations in tatters, they'd best not do it.

Their pre election 'unique offering' was to be no more sleaze.

Suppose that the Tories had been elected and had carried on like this - all the Labour freeloaders would be moralising from the rooftops.

Now there's all the fuss about Taylor Swift being give a 'blue light escort' at the taxpayers expense, for no good operation reason (the level of security that the Duke of Sussex has been firmly told he's not entitled to) is now in the news. If the Home Secretary, PM (and SAdiq Khan in charge of the Met) hadn't had free tickets to the Taylor Swift concert, no-one could point a finger and say 'no smoke without fire'. Each time they try to gloss over such things and try to 'normalise it' they di a bigger hole for themselves.

Truth is, that they're turning out to be a bunch of 'champagne socialists'.

All just so seedy.
This isn't about 'equivalence' It's because of the antics by the like of Jenrick Boris et all that the Tories are out of office
it is al about equivalence

the right wing media is busy claiming Labour are the same as the Tories.........they arent theres no equivalence

The fact that he, and his ministers are mired in it, accepting largesse worth many thousands of pounds from vested interests (betting and gaming, Sports etc) in my view is a seriously aggravating factor
do you have specific details?

accepting glasses, football tickets, clothes, concert tickets doesnt seem like vested interests to me, who supplied these?

details are important

Conservatives took donations from Shell, BP, Russian Oligarchs, Betting shops, private healthcare etc .............if it is those, then that is wrong.

I know hedge fund managers have given money to Labour, but not sure what leverage they would want.

Now there's all the fuss about Taylor Swift being give a 'blue light escort' at the taxpayers expense, for no good operation reason
I would argue she was a target and needed protection

seems like a Daily Mail attack to me

Whether it's legal or not is by the by
I disagree, the right wing media are screaming about Labour who followed the rules whilst excuse Tories for breaking the rules

details matter
it is al about equivalence

the right wing media is busy claiming Labour are the same as the Tories.........they arent theres no equivalence

do you have specific details?

accepting glasses, football tickets, clothes, concert tickets doesnt seem like vested interests to me, who supplied these?

details are important

Conservatives took donations from Shell, BP, Russian Oligarchs, Betting shops, private healthcare etc .............if it is those, then that is wrong.

I know hedge fund managers have given money to Labour, but not sure what leverage they would want.

I would argue she was a target and needed protection

seems like a Daily Mail attack to me

I disagree, the right wing media are screaming about Labour who followed the rules whilst excuse Tories for breaking the rules

details matter
Interesting that you ask who paid for Starmer's tickets. Was this a rhetorical question?
It would be odd to have concluded that these gifts were all above board without having looked into who paid for them.
As I understand it the Taylor Swift tickets, and numerous football freebies were all paid for by football's governing organisations
Given that the government are in the process of looking into how football should be regulated, there would appear to be a very clear conflict of interest.
If Starmer wants to go to a football match, or needs a new suit then he's not exactly a pauper, he can pay for them himself.
And yes, just as Boris should have paid for his own wallpaper etc.
I entirely agree they have not come close to some of the more extreme examples of Tory sleaze and corruption, but hey give them a chance, they've only been in office for five minutes.
...and therein lies the problem regarding the GFA.
You're approaching the issue as though it can't be resolved. It was never thought that there could be a solution prior to the GFA but it happened through negotiation and the same could be achieved with regard leaving the ECHC. It depends upon the willingness to resolve the issues.

Once again you're looking at the EU issue through the same flawed glasses.
The EU is a dreadful protectionist organisation that has access to our markets which benefits them in the form of a huge trading deficit in their favour and disadvantages the UK.
If they are alleged trading partners then why has there always been a huge trading deficit in their favour? That trading deficit should be greatly reduced by either making it easier to access to their markets or restricting the EU's access to our markets or by negotiating more favourable terms.

I can guarantee that if their access to our markets of such as their car industries was restricted it would go into rapid decline with the host nations going into recession but we don't seem to have stomach to face them down.
EU GDP at ~£20tn in total is ~8 times that of the UK.

UK exports to EU at £355bn represents ~15% of UK GDP

EU exports to UK at £463bn represents ~ 2% of EU GDP

The UK is the minor player, with limited negotiating power - the belief that negotiating harder would yield a better result is flawed. Either the exit agreement was inadequate dominated by the political "get Brexit done" mantra, or the leave decision fundamentally foolish.

The route to success is in providing goods and services that the EU want. The choice of whether we import from EU or elsewhere is up for grabs - now decided on price, quality, delivery etc.

Cars - just looking at Germany - the UK imports ~10% of total output. US and China alone take nearly 3 times the UK. Smaller markets include the rest of EU + other bits of the world.

The total loss of the UK car market would not be welcomed by EU - but the assertion of rapid decline into recession is just nonsense.
We have, from Cameron to Sunak, moving more and more to the right to appease a minority in their party and in our country.
Liz Truss, Nigel Farage are significantly right of centre. Cameron and Sunak by their actions are very centre ground.

The left wing analogue to your comment would be to observe that Tony Blair and Kier Starmer are leading the charge to the left - manifest nonsense.
All taxation is "a slice of the action" Where wealth is being generated it has to be taxed for the benefit of nations.
America is going to have to get to grips with its multinationals companies, so that they are not stripping the wealth from other countries. If large multinationals continue to hoover up available trade across the world without paying a proportionate amount of tax. locally, then the countries in which they trade, will become poorer.
I would like to think that when I purchase things, that a just proportion of that revenue stays inside the country. And that it isn't being syphoned off to send the likes of Jeff Bazos to Mars. :LOL:
As I understand it VAT at 20% is paid on imported goods - possibly plus import duties depending on type and where they originated.

The profit made can be manipulated (transfer pricing, management fees, commissions etc etc) to a substantial extent to appear to arise in a low tax regime to minimise tax.

Assume a product with a selling price of £120 including VAT. VAT = £20.

Profit of (say) 10% would be £10. Corporation tax if paid on the profit would be £2.50 (25% rate).

Focussing on the tax avoided on the profit is an emotional distraction. The reality with services (in particular) is that traditional national borders are an increasing irrelevancy and the way taxation is raised needs to be modified accordingly.
Liz Truss, Nigel Farage are significantly right of centre. Cameron and Sunak by their actions are very centre ground.

The left wing analogue to your comment would be to observe that Tony Blair and Kier Starmer are leading the charge to the left - manifest nonsense.
Indeed, both got into power on the basis of re inventing the party in a Tory Lite version.
The last 14 years of government has been an example of loads of hard right policies.

If you think the Conservatives aren’t right wing, you aren’t terribly well informed
The Tories of the last 14 years are not remotely far right. Had that been the case - perhaps the NHS would by now have been largely dismantled with insurance based private healthcare in its place - spend in real terms increased by 35%, staff by 30%.

The last government also introduced - for instance:
  • introduction of triple lock for pensions
  • government spending as a share of GDP from 1985 to 2007 was below 40% compared to 45% in the last 3 years (Covid peak ignored)
  • employee legislation - equality act, unfair dismissal, parental leave, minimum wage,
In terms of international comparison, UK public expenditure at 44% of GDP is a little below average for Europe, the same as Japan, but much higher than US, India, South Africa, and many others.