Keir Starmer

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Corruption, by any other name, is still corruption
How is it corruption?

Robert Jenrick taking £75,0000 from a company with no employees and no assets which is registered in the Cayman Islands. That’s corruption.

Oddly I’ve not seen you get upset about that.

Taking clothes which are given free, is an act of getting free publicity for the brand, there’s no evidence of wanting anything in exchange.

Lord Ali as far as I can tell has donated to,Labour for years.l..if you can provide any evidence that he has gained anything via way of policy influence, please let me know. The guy seems to do a lot for charity as far as I can tell.
The right wing media have been screaming that Labour (who have followed the expenses rules) are far worse than the Tories (who didn’t follow the rules).

Keir Starmer getting a free pair of glasses has had way more media coverage than Robert Jenrick mysteriously getting a donation of £75,000 from a company that has no employees and is £300k in debt.

The false equivalence is staggering
This isn't about 'equivalence' It's because of the antics by the like of Jenrick Boris et all that the Tories are out of office.

When they were in office, Starmer pontificated about how Labour would put an end to sleaze.

The fact that he, and his ministers are mired in it, accepting largesse worth many thousands of pounds from vested interests (betting and gaming, Sports etc) in my view is a seriously aggravating factor. Snouts in the trough comes to mind. Whether it's legal or not is by the by. If anyone can point a finger and say: "fancy that, and him the Prime Minster", or "her the Home Secretary/ Minister for Education' or whoever, if they don't want to see their reputations in tatters, they'd best not do it.

Their pre election 'unique offering' was to be no more sleaze.

Suppose that the Tories had been elected and had carried on like this - all the Labour freeloaders would be moralising from the rooftops.

Now there's all the fuss about Taylor Swift being give a 'blue light escort' at the taxpayers expense, for no good operation reason (the level of security that the Duke of Sussex has been firmly told he's not entitled to) is now in the news. If the Home Secretary, PM (and SAdiq Khan in charge of the Met) hadn't had free tickets to the Taylor Swift concert, no-one could point a finger and say 'no smoke without fire'. Each time they try to gloss over such things and try to 'normalise it' they di a bigger hole for themselves.

Truth is, that they're turning out to be a bunch of 'champagne socialists'.

All just so seedy.