Keir Starmer

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4 Jul 2023
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Keir starmer

-Beer & Curry Gate
-Lying about every pledge he’s ever made at Labour conference
-Lying about being friends with JC
-Being discovered as taking over £100k in ‘gifts’, more than any other MP
- Not knowing what a women is (even though he’s has reportedly had many affairs involving them).

An interesting incite into his personality?

P.s, For the usual suspects who want to bring up ‘Boris Johnson’ as an excuse, even though Keir is worse, or at least just as bad, you’re telling on yourselves, so be my guest. The two can exist at the same time.
I am just so utterly disappointed in him, I wanted him to win, I thought we were getting someone beyond reproach, someone who would be the opposite of Boris, someone honest and decent, someone who we could trust - but its just more of the same
We do know the meaning of the expression "smear campaign", hmm?
But - kneeler has admitted that he has taken tens of thousands in "gifts", as have his front bench colleagues (also admitted) and it now emerges that the peer Alli's gay former lover has also gifted tens of thousands of pounds to a political group (labour front bench) who promote LGBTQ views and are unable to define what a woman is. Inexplicably these valuable freebies were not declared on the register on a timely basis, or at suspect values. The excuses have been laughable and include it is OK if in opposition. They had the cheek to criticise Boris for his birthday cake in his home and place of work, whilst taking all of this money. Two tier Kier is a high earner and has millions in property assets, but it was OK to take donations because he (a front bencher has said on the record - ie Lammy) "wanted to look nice for the election".

To me, rather than being a smear campaign, it is a sequence of own goals. Both greedy and totally tone deaf. Starmer is politically naive and has trashed his own reputation. If it's a smear, it is self inflicted. But it's not a smear - it's worse than that - it is factual.

Edit - typos
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What a decade this is becoming Cameron, Johnson,Truss,Sunack,Starmer not to mention chancellor, s and you know what we just don't learn there must be more redundant clowns now Billy Smarts gone for us to choose from
I am just so utterly disappointed in him, I wanted him to win, I thought we were getting someone beyond reproach, someone who would be the opposite of Boris, someone honest and decent, someone who we could trust - but its just more of the same
I was pleased when he became leader of the party; that lasted until the 3rd week of 'LockDown' when he started whinging about the plans to get out of LD. My opinion changed to it's looks like he's pretty poor at researching the issues and it's just gets worse.
Today I just wish he'd call another GE and get the UK out of the mess he's and his cabinet are creating.

I thought bLiar was bad but it looks like he his actually worse.
I am just so utterly disappointed in him, I wanted him to win, I thought we were getting someone beyond reproach, someone who would be the opposite of Boris, someone honest and decent, someone who we could trust - but its just more of the same
Same everywhere , wonderful promises just to get elected. Over here the usual excuse is we can't deliver on what we promised because we didn't know how bad the books were.
Never trust a politician they are two headed snakes.
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This survived so not a typo. What? Reading too much Dan Wootton deleted stuff?
Nope. I just corrected spelling errors (touch typing not perfect). I don't read Dan Wootton. My opinions are my own. I'm very disappointed in Skier. I thought he had integrity, but I was wrong. It was always obvious that Rayner is a dimwit, but I hoped Kier would be more intelligent and much less grasping. Sausages.
I wonder (not really) how many politicians enter politics for the good of the country? Is it just naivity to believe election promises? Should politicians be held accountable when they do not follow up in their advertising?

It strikes me that all Western countries - it is the same here in Oz - began a fast downhill slide when parties sought to appeal to everyone, making promises that they could not keep (simply as they were contradictory), and stopped standing for a specific issue. The wishy-washy, low moral and low ethical standards are the result. We shall see a backlash in extremists, who at least have a clear message (not necessarily good ones).

I, too, thought Starmer might bring order into the chaos I see in the UK. Unhappily, now I view him just adding to the chaos.

Regards from Perth

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The tories have decimated the UK health system. They've destroyed 90% of our industry, initiated brexit which was pretty much akin to cutting the country's throat

My question to you is - Where do you think the money is going to come from to fix all this ?
NHS under labour the waiting lists are very low. Tories come in and the waiting lists shoot up. Labour get back in and down come the lists again. Between labour and conservative its like a zigzag shape - up tory, down labour and so on

Being discovered as taking over £100k in ‘gifts’, more than any other MP

:LOL: Not even by a long shot.
But these gifts are perfectly normal, and nothing was hidden, and all were declared.

Cleverly is the latest to fall foul. Mr Brass neck. Critical of Starmer, yet there he was at the Wimbledon with his wife and free tickets plus a very nice lunch at the presidents club, all laid on for free.
We could understand a gift were Cleverly the minister for sport, and were he there under that role it would be perfectly acceptable(if legally declared as with all of Kier Starmer's gifts, which are calculated over the last 5 years, so its not like he got £106k in the last couple of months of being in office. But not so, as Mr Cleverly was the foreign secretary at the time. So he had no reason to accept such a gift as it was well outside his official remit.

Or how about Robert Jenrick and the mysterious £75,000 paid to him by a company registered in the British virgin islands. A company with no assets, no employees, no actual offices and credit liabilities of a £1/3m
But according to Mr Jenrick, it was all above board.

Truth of it is we've allowed politicians as a whole to control the public purse strings and they just cant keep their hands out of it. But corruption in its illegal form is more rife in the Conservative party, than all the other parties put together.
How about Conservative party donors buying up land that they knew HS2 was going to have to buy.
Somehow they knew the route well before hand and decided on a whim to buy up land that a compulsory purchase order was going to be placed against, netting themselves a very tidy profit.

But you brought up Boris Johnson, so you clearly know about all the money he's received, and not just for doing up his flat.

I think perhaps you should stay away from that type of you tube gaslighting conspiracy theorists and maybe follow proper political commentators.
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This was made 4 years ago.

The tories have decimated the UK health system. They've destroyed 90% of our industry, initiated brexit which was pretty much akin to cutting the country's throat

My question to you is - Where do you think the money is going to come from to fix all this ?
NHS under labour the waiting lists are very low. Tories come in and the waiting lists shoot up. Labour get back in and down come the lists again. Between labour and conservative its like a zigzag shape - up tory, down labour and so on

:LOL: Not even by a long shot.
But these gifts are perfectly normal, and nothing was hidden, and all were declared.

Cleverly is the latest to fall foul. Mr Brass neck. Critical of Starmer, yet there he was at the Wimbledon with his wife and free tickets plus a very nice lunch at the presidents club, all laid on for free.
We could understand a gift were Cleverly the minister for sport, and were he there under that role it would be perfectly acceptable(if legally declared as with all of Kier Starmer's gifts, which are calculated over the last 5 years, so its not like he got £106k in the last couple of months of being in office. But not so, as Mr Cleverly was the foreign secretary at the time. So he had no reason to accept such a gift as it was well outside his official remit.

Or how about Robert Jenrick and the mysterious £75,000 paid to him by a company registered in the British virgin islands. A company with no assets, no employees, no actual offices and credit liabilities of a £1/3m
But according to Mr Jenrick, it was all above board.

Truth of it is we've allowed politicians as a whole to control the public purse strings and they just cant keep their hands out of it. But corruption in its illegal form is more rife in the Conservative party, than all the other parties put together.
How about Conservative party donors buying up land that they knew HS2 was going to have to buy.
Somehow they knew the route well before hand and decided on a whim to buy up land that a compulsory purchase order was going to be placed against, netting themselves a very tidy profit.

But you brought up Boris Johnson, so you clearly know about all the money he's received, and not just for doing up his flat.

I think perhaps you should stay away from that type of you tube gaslighting conspiracy theorists and maybe follow proper political commentators.

Funny the link to Ian Hislop, did you actually watch it?
Bearing in mind that his conclusion is that the donors are generally from the sectors you would expect, gambling etc. And their motivation is exactly what you would think it to be, ie to buy influence.
Rather contradicts your point of view I would have thought?
And members are going to waste goodness knows how much time and money debating how the process should be more transparent and so on and so forth. Have they not got better things to do?
Save the time and the money and just ban it all, second jobs, gratuities the lot.
Very simple.
This sums it up perfectly for me, but who can change the system for the better?

"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe