Keir Starmer

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I'm always sceptical when it comes to studies created by some obscure academic so let me give you an actual working example of how migration has grossly affect the people in my locality.
Sounds like you are offering another amateur study done by some unknown geezer on youtube! :ROFLMAO:
Or did you put much time in on this? Do you have any figures? Are there a lot of would-be casual workers being put out of work by this?
Irrelevant anyway - migrant farm workers are generally not immigrants - they go home when the job is done and they don't come and go by dinghy across the channel.
Casual farm work has always been done by a large proportion of migrant workers, travellers etc. Has this changed?
Why would you blame the migrant workers for working for less - do they have a choice - surely the employers set the wage rates? Maybe they should join a union?
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Sounds like you are offering another amateur study done by some unknown geezer on youtube! :ROFLMAO:
Or did you put much time in on this? Do you have any figures? Are there a lot of would-be casual workers being put out of work by this?
Irrelevant anyway - migrant farm workers are generally not immigrants - they go home when the job is done and they don't come and go by dinghy across the channel.
Casual farm work has always been done by a large proportion of migrant workers, travellers etc. Has this changed?
Why would you blame the migrant workers for working for less - do they have a choice - surely the employers set the wage rates? Maybe they should join a union?
I've lived in the area where I live now since 1976. It's a rural market town area and over the years I've got to know most of the people or families in town and surrounding villages.
I am also fully aware of the trading that takes place in the area but unlike you with your dismissive attitude I have actually witnessed the results of migration over the past two decades and it has changed the working practices of the area considerably and not for the better.
Quite a while ago the local people I chatted to who relied on the seasonal work for part of their income complained that because of the Eastern European gang bosses they were frozen out of the traditional work supply. Sorry but as I've said before you and like thinkers simply don't live in the real world.

Last year I was sat in the local doctor's waiting room, waiting to be seen by the nurse for my annual health check and the names of patients are announced both audibly and visually on a TV screen and seven out 10 of the patients waiting to be seen while I was there were of ethnic origin. Most judging by their names when announced were of Eastern European extraction.
If we pop into the local LIDL supermarket we are often surprised to hear English accents.
I have no issues with migration per se but to say it has little or no effect on the rest on the population is quite frankly absolutely ludicrous.