Keir Starmer

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What's all this got to do with Kier Starmer?
Any excuse to rant about immigrants.
Maybe there should be an "Alf Garnet was right" forum.
Starmer chipped in some nonsense about "attacking the gangs" as a solution to the Alf Garnet problem.
Only in the minds of the xenophobes and racists. In reality immigration is not a big problem and is largely a benefit to the country.
It's certainly a big humanitarian issue globally and we have to play our part, with constructive and humanitarian actions.
...and therein lies the problem. The UK doesn't have the housing or infrastructure to house or affordable social policies to service the people already living here plus the costs of dealing with immigrants is several billion pounds annually but you don't see it as a problem? Wow!

Maybe you don't but I suspect many, many millions of ordinary normal thinking British people do see it as big problem and they are sick and tired of it and the people who condone their coming here milking the system.
You also forget one thing. Those who live in the leafy suburbs of towns in the home counties etc are largely unaffected by migration as migrants tend to flock to the areas where the poorest/lowest paid Brits live. Those living in the better off areas will be mostly unaffected by migration as they are unlikely to have to compete for jobs and accommodation or even local social infrastructure.
The same can't be said for the poorest in our society. They are the ones who generally bear the brunt of the influxes of immigrant.

For them it's an absolutely huge problem.
Also of concern, various well connected and credible people are saying in the serious media that the boats are an excellent way to smuggle extremists and terrorists into the country and that this has happened and continues to. Once boat migrants are in, our tracking of them has proved very ineffective and will continue to be so unless we use either tags or a secure processing centre for those claiming asylum. Taxpayer is funding a lot now.
The UK doesn't have the housing or infrastructure to house or affordable social policies
are you a life long Tory voter?

the lack of social housing started with Thatcher flogging 1.5m council houses and stopping new ones being built

I cant imagine why the Conservatives and the right wing media are so desperate to direct the failings of this country on foreigners............surely its nothing to do with the fact the failings of this country are due to 45+ years of neoliberal ideology transferring wealth from ordinary working people to the wealthy
What's all this got to do with Kier Starmer?
The fact that he is doing nothing to stem the flow across our open borders having sent out the wrong message when he scrapped any potential detterents. We are now seen as a really soft touch and will pay a massive price for starmers inability to act.

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