Oh, and there are so many others - the number of videos on youtube of both professional woodworkers/contractors/jointers
and youtubers who have managed to put their fingers into a tablesaw, a bandsaw, a router, a spindle moulder, a jointer or even just those woodturners who lost a finger because they had a catch while using a lathe knife, it's almost enough to make you buy furniture from ikea
The thing that freaks me out completely on this topic though is stuff like the opening bit in this video:
That's Jonathan Katz-Moses (he of the rather good transparent dovetail guide) talking about his accident and starting off by saying that anyone in woodworking is just going to have an accident and it might be minor or it might be an amputation but the important thing is to have a well-stocked first aid kit and a plan.
I mean, stall the digger there a moment - can we talk about this whole "accidents are inevitable" bit? I'm not sure I'm 100% on board with this plan where losing a finger is just an accepted fact of life here
Sign me up with every nanny-state, left-wing, commie pinko anarcho-hippie tree-hugging Health And Safety freak in the world if that's the other option
I mean, yeah, sure, life was great in the 70's but you know what else is different between today and the 70s when I was a kid? Our child mortality rate. It is (in Ireland anyway, check yours locally) currently
one tenth what it was when I was born. I'm totally in favour of this, not least because Calum is nine and I'd like him to survive to my old age so he can pay for my retirement
I'm totally down with some busybody with a clipboard coming in with his pencils and his glasses and his nasally voice saying "that's not safe, stop it at once" if the alternative is the calm manly dulcet tones of Katz-Moses up there reassuring me that now that I have to relearn how to wipe my bottom with my remaining fingers, I'm a Real Man