US Election November 5th

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The man is basically a textbook definition of a malignant narcissist. His history (even way before became involved in politics) has been one of screwing other people over, dubious business practices, and constant infidelity. Regardless of his policies (claimed or real) I'd always be worried about giving power to someone with those personal traits. Even members of his own family have pointed out these issues.
I think megalomaniac might be more appropriate. Try and Trump that...
The same reason that Netanyahu is still in power in his country?
He is really no different to any other despot in history and is really just a warmonger that seems to think he is entitled to exterminate any non jewish person believing they are the chosen ones, he needs to read the new testament !
He is really no different to any other despot in history and is really just a warmonger that seems to think he is entitled to exterminate any non jewish person believing they are the chosen ones, he needs to read the new testament !
He really doesn't need to read testament. We all need to forget the religious nonsense. We have civil law now, we shouldn't need the idea of a supernatural man-in-charge to keep us in order.
He really doesn't need to read testament. We all need to forget the religious nonsense. We have civil law now, we shouldn't need the idea of a supernatural man-in-charge to keep us in order.

If you do not comprehend that this is a religious war, and not a political one, then all comments are irrelevant. Hamas, along with all other equally radical Muslims, have only one aim, and this is to first erradicate all Jews from Israel and the region, then the world, and then move on to convert the remainder of the world to Islam. I emphasise "radical Muslims" - and I have no doubt that these fanatics are echoed in other religions, including Judiasm - who dominate the decisions made. I continue to believe that the majority of peoples and religions across the world want to live and let live.

From where I look on, here in Australia, the situation in the UK is increasing one where Sharia law threatens to take over. Sharia law is religious, not political. These is also increasing push-back now in Europe, and many fear it may be too late.

The war lies not in Gaza but across the world, and if you cannot see this, then you need to wake up.

Regards from Perth

If you do not comprehend that this is a religious war, and not a political one, then all comments are irrelevant. Hamas, along with all other equally radical Muslims, have only one aim, and this is to first erradicate all Jews from Israel and the region, then the world, and then move on to convert the remainder of the world to Islam. I emphasise "radical Muslims" - and I have no doubt that these fanatics are echoed in other religions, including Judiasm - who dominate the decisions made. I continue to believe that the majority of peoples and religions across the world want to live and let live.

From where I look on, here in Australia, the situation in the UK is increasing one where Sharia law threatens to take over. Sharia law is religious, not political. These is also increasing push-back now in Europe, and many fear it may be too late.

The war lies not in Gaza but across the world, and if you cannot see this, then you need to wake up.

Regards from Perth

With all due respect, the notion that Sharia law threatens to take over in the UK is a total fiction.

Regards from the UK.
The above was a suggestion.
This isn't: stick to the topic in hand, not the M East, not E Europe. You want to discuss these issues, go elsewhere.
It's Biden/Harris/Trump/Vance/DNC/GOP/Dems/RNC/Taylor Swift etc, etc.
If I or any of the other mods have to intervene on this thread again it’ll be an enforced holiday in Skegness or Clacton for a few days, or longer.

It’s an interesting and important topic which may in the long term have an impact on all of us and I wouldn’t want to see the thread disappear.
So please think before posting.
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If I or any of the other mods have to intervene on this thread again it’ll be an enforced holiday in Skegness or Clacton for a few days, or longer.

It’s an interesting and important topic which may in the long term have an impact on all of us and I wouldn’t want to see the thread disappear.
So please think before posting.
I worked at Butlins Skegness for a few years. Happy memories. Used to breakfast occasionally with David Sutch of the monster raving loony party, just to get the political angle in.
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If I or any of the other mods have to intervene on this thread again it’ll be an enforced holiday in Skegness or Clacton for a few days, or longer.
Noel - that's some heavy handed moderation. I mean, the cruelty of forcing someone to visit Clacton is truly brutal.

Still, I guess at least there'd be no chance they'd bump into Nigel Farage.
From where I look on, here in Australia, the situation in the UK is increasing one where Sharia law threatens to take over. Sharia law is religious, not political. These is also increasing push-back now in Europe, and many fear it may be too late.
Then your perspective from Australia is extremely inaccurate.
I don’t see it that way. How leadership is delivered is as important as what it delivers in my opinion. L

I don’t put Trump in the same grouping as Hitler (although his running mate did) but a blind eye was turned on the basis he was the person Germany needed in the 1930’s.
I think it’s more likely that liberals or the ‘elites’ , like to think they can have things their way, which is usually not aligned with the needs, desires and demands of the majority of people.
The ‘elites’ build this cultural castle which they hide in and this allows them to separate themselves with the commoner. You see this more than ever with SJW politics which is just a signalling system and why liberals now totally align with the elites (which is a total inversion of how things should be). The elites use the media to enforce this system and to keep things in line, or to keep the commoner, out in the banished space. That’s why those in the banished place must be aligned with fascism, nazis’ism etc.. all this hyperbole serves to demonise and malign (usually with no merit at all) those who do not worship the new liberal religion.
Trump just took a battering ram to that Elite castle and not only successfully breached the defences but managed to take it over.
Liberals can’t stand this. They then look for every detail, big and small, in order to destroy this invader. They train their media, their intelligence institutions, everything they have in their power to destroy it.
Trump is far from perfect but in regards to storming into the temple and tipping over the tables of the new liberal elite order, he is the greatest and most successful champion on the modern era.
And liberals hate that.
If you want a common sense opinion, ask a builder, not an ‘intellectual’ and of course intellectuals are vain, so they find this all very upsetting.
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For me, my take on it (which may or not be anywhere near correct) is there are a few different groups of people with different reasons to support Trump.

1. The uninformed - there are a lot of people who don't read up on what he is actually doing or achieving and are just being told by fox 'news' the soundbites that fit the narrative they want to believe, anything that doesn't fit is branded fake - including things like the increase in GDP and stock values and lower unemployment and violent crime.
2. The people that are actually affected by Trumps policies - mostly business owners who don't want to be taxed or have to provide medical or increase pay etc
3. Religious fundamentalists - They completely ignore the fact Trump is not religious and can't even name a single bible passage and flipflops on abortion, as he is a means to an end.
4. Religious grifters - same as above, but are the ones making money off religion and driving Mercedes and wearing a Rolex whilst preaching about giving to the poor.
5. The people who want to do/say what they want - to my mind this is likely the biggest group. If you elect a leader who is well behaved, goes to church, does the dishes, doesn't swear, doesn't have affairs or hookups with porn stars, it puts an onus on the general public to do the same. To use an americanism, Trump is giving a hall-pass to everyone who wants to have affairs, not pay their taxes and flog dodgy bibles. If the leader of your country is a dirt bag, it's hard for someone to call you out for doing the same.

The idea that Trump is America first when he has done things like side with Putin over his own intelligence agency is mind-boggling. If the democratic leader employed numerous members of his family to run the government there would be outrage but for some reason it is ok for Trump!

I like it when I see interviews of people saying they support Trump as he is like them and is fighting for them. Whilst he is giving tax breaks to millionaires and crushing unions, from his multi-million $ country club, where they wouldn't even be allowed past the entrance gate.
Your whole post is based in arrogance and snobbery.
You should have referred to them as ‘the little people’, instead if “groups”.
The Putin schtick is just a continuation of the factually debunked Hillary and Obama stuff. We’re doing it now here with Farage. If you step outside the ‘socially left elite message’ you are isntantly aligned with Putin.
The most hillariois thing about this, is that those doing this, are signalling to normal people, that they are likely not a trust worthy interlocutor.
All those ranting against Trump and clutching their pearls, are equally as bad as those who worship Trump. You’re the opposite side of the same coin.
Those claiming everythjng is a russian conspiracy are as bad as the Qannon lot.
I think old Joe dropped out at least a year ago and has been in another place ever since, I thought the job of the vice president was to take over short term if the president was incapable, missing or assassinated so why did they not intervene. Now he has had to admit he is unfit to run for president so surely that also makes him unfit to be president and so why is there not an election now.
I think it’s more likely that liberals or the ‘elites’ , like to think they can have things their way, which is usually not aligned with the needs, desires and demands of the majority of people.
The ‘elites’ build this cultural castle which they hide in and this allows them to separate themselves with the commoner. You see this more than ever with SJW politics which is just a signalling system and why liberals now totally align with the elites (which is a total inversion of how things should be). The elites use the media to enforce this system and to keep things in line, or to keep the commoner, out in the banished space. That’s why those in the banished place must be aligned with fascism, nazis’ism etc.. all this hyperbole serves to demonise and malign (usually with no merit at all) those who do not worship the new liberal religion.
Trump just took a battering ram to that Elite castle and not only successfully breached the defences but managed to take it over.
Liberals can’t stand this. They then look for every detail, big and small, in order to destroy this invader. They train their media, their intelligence institutions, everything they have in their power to destroy it.
Trump is far from perfect but in regards to storming into the temple and tipping over the tables of the new liberal elite order, he is the greatest and most successful champion on the modern era.
And liberals hate that.
If you want a common sense opinion, ask a builder, not an ‘intellectual’ and of course intellectuals are vain, so they find this all very upsetting.
Common Sense, Elites, Liberals - ah yes, it all fits.
I think old Joe dropped out at least a year ago and has been in another place ever since, I thought the job of the vice president was to take over short term if the president was incapable, missing or assassinated so why did they not intervene. Now he has had to admit he is unfit to run for president so surely that also makes him unfit to be president and so why is there not an election now.
He was also unfit to stand trial over having official documents all over his house and garage because he was too old and mentally incompetent.
That was nearly a year ago.
This whole thing is elite kayfabe and we don’t need permission to know that. The greatest minds of our generation are turning kn this liberal orthodoxy. Even Steven Pinker has left the asylum and I thought he’d be the last one to check out.
Now he has had to admit he is unfit to run for president so surely that also makes him unfit to be president and so why is there not an election now.
He hasn't said that. He has acknowledged the many voices who have expressed doubts about his ability to survive another four years (and the ability to win the election given those doubts). I think he can survive another 100 days.

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