Ive done my time son, dont you worry about that.


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Well you've done your homework. Trying to catch me out ?
Yes I did some time there but when it's time to move on it's time to move on. Enough said.
I thought it was. Presumably you worked for Paul Fritts at some point?
FYI that case work was made from salvaged old growth Douglas Fir from the bottom of a lake. All quarter sawn and clear.
Not the best timber for case work. High shrinkage. But it did look nice. All the timber was hand planed to finish with Japanese planes. Faster than sanding and smoother. I could have stayed longer but another opportunity came up... Such is the way of things as a journeyman.
I got bored after a few years at any job anyway and I wanted to start my own woodshop.
No - let me guess no sense of humour and a strong need to be admired?
Lol. My sense of humour is what gets me in trouble. America taught me one thing. Ego is a dead end that sucks the joy out of life. Best thing I ever did was get the hell out of Dodge.
Not really, my brother has played it. Apparently it looks better than it sounds 🤣
Ah yes. Organists. He probably prefers the classical and English voicing. That one is very North German Schnitger style. People either love them or hate them.
But don't worry I'm not offended.
There were many things the boss made us do that we were not that happy about. The action was to heavy when coupled.
Not really, my brother has played it. Apparently it looks better than it sounds 🤣
Organists tend to be bitchy and highly prejudicial about different types of pipe organ. On the shop floor we learned to ignore them. They like to think they could build organs too but we never had an Organist on the shop floor that wasn't bloody useless.
If they waffled on to much about their favourite organ we would wind them up by saying " it's just another bloody organ".
Guaranteed to bend them out of shape. Musicians. We admire them for their playing ability but I never heard one compliment us on our humble efforts.
Gotta keep the craftsmen down.
Organists tend to be bitchy and highly prejudicial about different types of pipe organ. On the shop floor we learned to ignore them. They like to think they could build organs too but we never had an Organist on the shop floor that wasn't bloody useless.
If they waffled on to much about their favourite organ we would wind them up by saying " it's just another bloody organ".
Guaranteed to bend them out of shape. Musicians. We admire them for their playing ability but I never heard one compliment us on our humble efforts.
Gotta keep the craftsmen down.
Well when I sent your picture to him earlier as I remembered his pictures of it he said he’d also visited Paul Fritt’s workshop and was very complimentary about what he saw. Apparently they welcome visitors and so as I’m out in Seattle later in the year I may well try and get there.
Well when I sent your picture to him earlier as I remembered his pictures of it he said he’d also visited Paul Fritt’s workshop and was very complimentary about what he saw. Apparently they welcome visitors and so as I’m out in Seattle later in the year I may well try and get there.
Oh I see. So he's gone from slagging it off to best thing since sliced bread ! Typical.
I moved on from Fritts a long time ago as did many other's for reasons courtesy forbids discussing. Good men. Honest decent men.
But this I will say. When I finished my apprenticeship my foreman gave me some good advice and a warning. Always work to the best of your ability, never assume you know it all.
The warning was this. People will envy and hate you for being a good craftsman. They will exploit you, demean and humiliate you. Because they envy in you what they lack in themselves. At the time I did not understand what he meant. But I do now.
His last piece of advice was this. Ignore them, keep moving, keep learning. Your skills will reward you in ways they cannot steal from you.
He was right.
Enjoy your trip. But an hour in his shop won't give you any meaningful understanding of who I am or what it is to be a good craftsman. I have done far better things since that brief bling trip.
The outer work is only one part of life.
Enjoy your Trip. But an hour in his shop won't give you any meaningful understanding of who I am or what it is to be a good craftsman. I have done far better things since that brief bling trip.
Not sure if you realised how "dripping with arrogance" that statement is. I think I can survive without a meaningful understanding of who you are thanks. I've simply been told it's an interesting place to visit for anyone with an interest in woodworking.
Not sure if you realised how "dripping with arrogance" that statement is. I think I can survive without a meaningful understanding of who you are thanks. I've simply been told it's an interesting place to visit for anyone with an interest in woodworking.
Thank you. You've just exposed your true agenda. As I expected.
It's okay. You were called on it early and tried to manoeuvre around it. But black is as black does. You see it's obvious your not who you claim to be by the structure of your questions. I'm used to these games. Every craftsman on the shop floor is. We've heard every excuse, every loaded remark and question a thousand times before.
We are conveniently assumed to be fool's because you believe your demeaning comments and slight of hand give you dominance.
We are trained to observe and listen so we do. We have excellent memories. We are survivors.
We have to be.
So now you will do what your type always does. Scream offended, dobb me in and get me banned.
And you will enjoy a brief empty smug thrill for it.
Enjoy it while it lasts but it won't stand as long as my legacy.
Because envy is a poor companion.
I tried the humble entrance in America and got banned for knowing to much. There's no pleasing some people. At least here I'm amongst my own and the vibe is so much better.

That is one perspective.

It would appear it started off by disparaging the construction of a machine you had no first hand experience with.
Thank you. You've just exposed your true agenda. As I expected.
It's okay. You were called on it early and tried to manoeuvre around it. But black is as black does. You see it's obvious your not who you claim to be by the structure of your questions. I'm used to these games. Every craftsman on the shop floor is. We've heard every excuse, every loaded remark and question a thousand times before.
We are conveniently assumed to be fool's because you believe your demeaning comments and slight of hand give you dominance.
We are trained to observe and listen so we do. We have excellent memories. We are survivors.
We have to be.
So now you will do what your type always does. Scream offended, dobb me in and get me banned.
And you will enjoy a brief empty smug thrill for it.
Enjoy it while it lasts but it won't stand as long as my legacy.
Because envy is a poor companion.
I wonder why you had issue with the American forums. You aren’t doing yourself any favours here…
As an American, from what I can see in the photograph, the work is well done.
From what I read of the OP's comments, He has a dislike for all Americans and doesn't mind alienating all of us, as if we're all the same and he calls us arrogant.
Pot, meet kettle.
I don't think people banned you for knowing too much, more likely talking too much, you attack first with a condescending tone, attempting to belittle everyone else, before you know to whom you are talking to.
There are now two threads on a common theme, this being one of them, that are way more entertaining than the current joke thread and as Sgian Dubh mentioned on the other thread, I really cannot wait to see how this pans out...

This is truly outstanding stuff that you couldn't make up, a true case of reality being stranger than fiction...
Ok I have been going through this thread and the english phrase " a bull in a china shop " springs to mind. The UKW welcomes everyone from no skills to master craftsman but we do expect that we all show respect to other members and over blowing your own trumpet is not a good introduction. Personally I really do respect american woodworkers because I have learnt so much from them and

Well let's see if an old hand can post in the UK without offending somebody for knowing to much about his trade.
if that is the case then please feel free to pass on your knowledge and experience in a way that is not so heavy handed and that way you will gain respect from the members and become part of a good freindly forum that has plenty of equally knowledgeable people as no one knows everything so there will always be something for us all to learn.
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