Phil Pascoe
Established Member
I was in hospital for two months - this was a small hospital to where we were shipped out from the major one when it was decided we were no longer in immediate danger. A chap I was in with had really bad constipation and blood transfusions for anaemia and I asked one day if he'd been told to eat loads of figs and prunes and other fruit. I was surprised when he said no, he hadn't. I ate liquorice, chocolate, figs and prunes by the pound.
I was way past co codamol - I was on codeine, morphine and slow release morphine (overnight) - they and baby stuff like gabapentin, pregabalin, nortriptyline, tramadol are things of the past. I don't want to go there again
. )
Codeine affects people differently - my wife takes one 30 mg? and it knocks her out, I can take three or four and not feel any side effects. I didn't feel anything the one time they gave me fentanyl, I did have a few lousy days when I dropped the morphine, though.
I was way past co codamol - I was on codeine, morphine and slow release morphine (overnight) - they and baby stuff like gabapentin, pregabalin, nortriptyline, tramadol are things of the past. I don't want to go there again
Codeine affects people differently - my wife takes one 30 mg? and it knocks her out, I can take three or four and not feel any side effects. I didn't feel anything the one time they gave me fentanyl, I did have a few lousy days when I dropped the morphine, though.
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