IP Addresses


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Established Member
17 Oct 2007
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Turning MDF into gold in a northern town
I popped into my local library yesterday to have a word with my councillor, who holds his weekly surgery there.

I was early so I filled the time by sitting down at one of the computers they have there. When I tried to log on here however, I was faced with a message;

You are banned from this forum.

I wonder how this could have happened... :whistle:

Thing is, how do I find out the IP address of my library so that I can ask a mod to lift the ban on anyone accessing the forum from there? I hate to think that the honest citizens of Stockport are all denied the potential pleasure of participating on UKW.
Hi Brad,

I doubt that the IP address range of the library is blocked by UKW's server. It is far more likely that the library has put a blanket ban on accessing fora from their computers - probably using URL filtering software/system supplied by a 3rd party.

What did the message look like Brad? Was it just an error that popped up in the middle or was it a product page, like Websense or such like?

It could be as chris said and they block fora through filtering software.
Brad asked how to to find a PC IP address.

If using XP then:

left-click Start,
left-click Run,
type in cmd
left-click OK
type ipconfig/all and hit the enter key

You should see a list giving the machine ID - sometimes called MAC number confusingly, the machine IP address. gateway IP etc

Hope this helps

Agreed but that's not what Brad needs. Doesn't he need the IP address of the router as seen by t'internet? The PC IP address is purely local to the library network. Of course, I realise that it is possible that that particular PC has been 'locked' because of dubious use in which case, yup, the PC IP address is valid.
Sportique":5m0rkgv9 said:
Brad asked how to to find a PC IP address.

If using XP then:

left-click Start,
left-click Run,
type in cmd
left-click OK
type ipconfig/all and hit the enter key

You should see a list giving the machine ID - sometimes called MAC number confusingly, the machine IP address. gateway IP etc

Hope this helps

Okay, if we're being pedantic then all that is going to show him is his internal IP for the network the PC is on, which will be private addressing and non routable across the internet. He actually asked for the IP address of the library. ;)

To find your WAN IP (the one presented out on, and routable across the internet) you need to go to a website such as whatismyip.com.


Brad did ask how to check an IP, but was given an answer that made the question moot (IMO) which is, the forum don't block IP's so therefore the answer is probably down a different route. Pedantry over. ;)
how do i go about using an IP address from another country so I can get access to Iplayer ?

As I often miss programs from the Beeb or other UK broadcasters, I have tried to watch them using the approproate player -
nah nah you have no access to this program due to your location
is the error message I get.

so, how can I get access to these ? please help me someone.

houtslager":2f2ukfpt said:
how do i go about using an IP address from another country so I can get access to Iplayer ?

As I often miss programs from the Beeb or other UK broadcasters, I have tried to watch them using the approproate player -
nah nah you have no access to this program due to your location
is the error message I get.

so, how can I get access to these ? please help me someone.


TV or Radio? Radio is fine...see here.. http://iplayerhelp.external.bbc.co.uk/h ... adio_world
houtslager":1p2nk20m said:
you are quite right - radio no problems I should have made it clearer it was TV programs I wanted to watch :oops: so, back to my nub problem - how can one hide one's ip location to allow access to beebs iplayer and other simerler programs ?

You need to have a look for remote proxy sites/software, specifically based in the UK. Google should help you out, I never need to use them so can't make any recommendations unfortunately.
houtslager":2hrhgzom said:
how do i go about using an IP address from another country so I can get access to Iplayer ?

As I often miss programs from the Beeb or other UK broadcasters, I have tried to watch them using the approproate player -
nah nah you have no access to this program due to your location
is the error message I get.

so, how can I get access to these ? please help me someone.


Have you tried seesaw.com? That has a lot of the bbc listings, I don't know if it will work outside the uk. Worth a try.
Thanks for that link , but as usual I get this

We’re sorry…

You need to be located in the UK to watch programmes on SeeSaw. This is because we haven’t been given permission by the programme makers and rights holders to show the content outside of the UK.

If you’re located in the UK and think that you’ve received this message in error, there may be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Find out more.
houtslager":1yub406p said:
Thanks for that link , but as usual I get this

We’re sorry…

You need to be located in the UK to watch programmes on SeeSaw. This is because we haven’t been given permission by the programme makers and rights holders to show the content outside of the UK.

If you’re located in the UK and think that you’ve received this message in error, there may be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Find out more.

Lots of ideas on the internet. Google has tons of threads. For example,

http://www.tyresmoke.net/forum/technolo ... broad.html
houtslager":2fszj9vq said:
Thanks for that link , but as usual I get this

We’re sorry…

You need to be located in the UK to watch programmes on SeeSaw. This is because we haven’t been given permission by the programme makers and rights holders to show the content outside of the UK.

If you’re located in the UK and think that you’ve received this message in error, there may be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Find out more.

Oh thats a shame.
TrimTheKing":34gpz86j said:
Sportique":34gpz86j said:
Brad asked how to to find a PC IP address.

If using XP then:

left-click Start,
left-click Run,
type in cmd
left-click OK
type ipconfig/all and hit the enter key

You should see a list giving the machine ID - sometimes called MAC number confusingly, the machine IP address. gateway IP etc

Hope this helps

Okay, if we're being pedantic then all that is going to show him is his internal IP for the network the PC is on, which will be private addressing and non routable across the internet. He actually asked for the IP address of the library. ;)

To find your WAN IP (the one presented out on, and routable across the internet) you need to go to a website such as whatismyip.com.


Brad did ask how to check an IP, but was given an answer that made the question moot (IMO) which is, the forum don't block IP's so therefore the answer is probably down a different route. Pedantry over. ;)

Brad/Mark OOOPS sorry - thought I was helping. Mea Culpa :oops: :oops:
