IP Addresses


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BradNaylor":3luy4ztl said:
I popped into my local library yesterday to have a word with my councillor, who holds his weekly surgery there.

I was early so I filled the time by sitting down at one of the computers they have there. When I tried to log on here however, I was faced with a message;

You are banned from this forum.

I wonder how this could have happened... :whistle:

Thing is, how do I find out the IP address of my library so that I can ask a mod to lift the ban on anyone accessing the forum from there? I hate to think that the honest citizens of Stockport are all denied the potential pleasure of participating on UKW.

are you sure you didnt forget for the moment and log on as the original brad naylor :D
big soft moose":1dkrox9f said:
are you sure you didnt forget for the moment and log on as the original brad naylor :D

I didn't get a chance to log on. I got to the front page of the site OK but as soon as I selected the forum I got the message saying I was banned. It is definitely a message from UKW rather than from the library system.

Out of interest I went to another library and tried there. I got exactly the same message displayed, so obviously all our local libraries share the same IP address (or whatever some pedantic techie might call it :lol: ) and this has a blanket ban on it from the forum software.

Any suggestions on how I get it lifted?

My understanding of an IP address is that it identifies a particular internet connection but not neccessarily an individual PC. Have I got this right?
BradNaylor":27slyyf2 said:
My understanding of an IP address is that it identifies a particular internet connection but not neccessarily an individual PC. Have I got this right?

It depends. But in this situation, probably. The external IP will be a proxy that all the internal PCs are routing through.

If you go to a terminal and go Start>Run type in CMD, hit return. A Dos box will appear and you need to type ipconfig/all.

This should give you all the info you need. I'm not sure if our mods have access to the banned IP's. Probably.

Can't imagine why/how that IP range would have been banned. Unless it was used by a spammer or naughty boy, at one stage.
Re BBC in foreign countries - I didn't think the BBC allowed domestic programs to be viewed outside UK. Not sure if it is program copyright/licencing issue or TV licence issues......
NickWelford":3vxwbs9g said:
Re BBC in foreign countries - I didn't think the BBC allowed domestic programs to be viewed outside UK. Not sure if it is program copyright/licencing issue or TV licence issues......
That's correct, hence why iPlayer TV doesn't work outside UK. By using a host proxy you can get around it because the IP presented to iPlayer is UK, where the proxy passes the traffic to after that it doesn't know.