You boys need to get a grip. Your version of reality is just as skewed and unsustainable as your imagined enemies'.
I suppose you thought Golden Dawn were not a danger to your country either!
You boys need to get a grip. Your version of reality is just as skewed and unsustainable as your imagined enemies'.
I would imagine there are many thousands of innocent people in US jails as a result of their plea bargaining system.Sorry to clarify I meant majority population inside prisons, not outside.
I cited 99.9% as a reasonable figure - yes there ARE people incarcerated in prison whom are either victims of a badly biased jury, circumstantial evidence that was enough to be "beyond reasonable doubt", fallible DNA evidence, or plain "framed".
Of the current 2.12 million inmates, 0.1% = 2120 people. Are there over 2,000 wholly innocent people in US jails?
I'd agree with 200 but 2120? Absolutely not; but feel free to contradict that Jacob, reasonable facts never stopped you before.
Ah, yes. Trump is insane, therefore all Trump supporters are insane, therefore all actions are justified. This must be true, because Twitter, Facebook and all media outlets confirmed it. What could possibly go wrong?
less than 5% of the world population but 25% of the prisoners. USA leads the world.I would imagine there are many thousands of innocent people in US jails as a result of their plea bargaining system.
It always seems ironic to me that the country that calls itself the "land of the free" has pretty much more of its population incarcerated than any other country.
Privatised prisons....what could possibly go wrong.
I suppose you thought Golden Dawn were not a danger to your country either!
It is, and theres loads of topics relating to that in the different sections.I THOUGHT THIS WAS A WORKSHOP FORUM !!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????
Can we agree to remove all politicians from social media? Otherwise, I don't agree to your plan to silence anyone, just becuse you don't like his message. I think a much better idea would be to silence you, because you don't agree with my point of view.Trump fuels division with his non stop lies, gaslighting, uniting against a common enemy, encouraging far right groups, inciting hatred of immigrants.
It's is unhealthy to allow Trump access to SM to continue this.
Can we agree to remove all politicians from social media? Otherwise, I don't agree to your plan to silence anyone, just becuse you don't like his message. I think a much better idea would be to silence you, because you don't agree with my point of view.
Actually, silencing anyone is known to be a very bad idea. Free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, and having free speech that is only free provided it complies with the current thought police edicts is not free. You really must know this, and are either a totalitarian or just not thinking straight at the moment. This stuff really isn't rocket science.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
This may come as a shock to you but they weren't disenfranchised - they voted for Trump, but were beaten overall..... This may come as a shock to you all, but virtually half of the American electorate (who actually voted), voted for Trump. ,,,,,
This may come as a shock to you, but there is a significant number of people who feel that the election was rigged, and that the legal system then failed to give them even peremptory justice, and now their ability to speak out is being removed as fast as possible. It doesn't matter that you believe they are wrong - they still believe they are being beset at every turn. By disenfranchised, I meant that they feel they have had all democratic, civil options removed, rather than just losing an election. If their vote isn't counted, and their voice isn't heard - what comes next? Soap box, ballot box, bullet box? Is that your intention?This may come as a shock to you but they weren't disenfranchised - they voted for Trump, but were beaten overall.
The problem here is that your "truth'" is no less subjective than the the opposite side's "truth". Who to believe? Who is the final arbiter? Neither side will believe the other, and both sides appear to have have a very loose idea of what "truth" actually means. On that basis, I say silence nobody. Hear all sides. My reasoning is simple: you start suppressing voices, they will use other means to make themselves heard. Even more importantly, just because it is not you being silenced today, it doesn't mean it won't be you being silenced tomorrow. Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.It is not about not liking his message.....that's a strawman
It is the damage that message does.
The message of ISIS spreading violence is also suppressed.
I agree with free speech....the problem is that lies spread faster than the truth. Look at Brexit, endless dishonest tropes get spread so fast, it's impossible to counter it.
Perhaps you could explain how we spread the message of honesty faster than the lies.
This may come as a shock to you but they weren't disenfranchised - they voted for Trump, but were beaten overall.
It's not difficult to understand, all elections involve winners and losers: 2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
How do you think things should have been handled differently?This may come as a shock to you, but there is a significant number of people who feel that the election was rigged, and that the legal system then failed to give them even peremptory justice, and now their ability to speak out is being removed as fast as possible. It doesn't matter that you believe they are wrong - they still believe they are being beset at every turn. By disenfranchised, I meant that they feel they have had all democratic, civil options removed, rather than just losing an election. If their vote isn't counted, and their voice isn't heard - what comes next? Soap box, ballot box, bullet box? Is that your intention?
All I see is is a gleeful Left desparately trying to encourage violence, for no purpose. Why do that? Who benefits? When was the last time that a losing candidate was impeached, because he lost?
An interesting theory that I don't yet ascribe to is that the Democrats probably did rig the election, because why else all this out and out warfare on the right? If they had won honestly, they would use the immortal words of Barack Obama: "I won, you lost; get over it". As it is, the Color Revolution process requires a disorderly transition of power, so the opposition can be reviled, silenced and made illegal.
The problem here is that your "truth'" is no less subjective than the the opposite side's "truth". Who to believe? Who is the final arbiter? Neither side will believe the other, and both sides appear to have have a very loose idea of what "truth" actually means. On that basis, I say silence nobody. Hear all sides. My reasoning is simple: you start suppressing voices, they will use other means to make themselves heard. Even more importantly, just because it is not you being silenced today, it doesn't mean it won't be you being silenced tomorrow. Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
I THOUGHT THIS WAS A WORKSHOP FORUM !!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????