try being an english landlord with a welsh rental property that you live 90 miles a way from :shock: . Theres only one way to get things done and thats to get your wallet out lol.
Aside from Wales, never beat a trade down in price IMO
99% of them are in it for the money (and why not) thus they will only want to do whats most profitable. If its not profitable , its down to their goodwill even to talk to you. Trying to get a job done at a reasonable price quickly and well is nigh on impossible IMO
Times have changed from when trades were subservient "and knew their place" and customer is king to having gone full circle where they will pick and choose and work for you if you are lucky
Cynicism and jaundice sets in after 20 years which means they work slower and no price is ever enough (you dont want one of these guys
So its not only me then lol - this thread has made me feel a whole lot better
PS great respect to those trades that do the right thing..I'm being slightly tongue in cheek here
Aside from Wales, never beat a trade down in price IMO
99% of them are in it for the money (and why not) thus they will only want to do whats most profitable. If its not profitable , its down to their goodwill even to talk to you. Trying to get a job done at a reasonable price quickly and well is nigh on impossible IMO
Times have changed from when trades were subservient "and knew their place" and customer is king to having gone full circle where they will pick and choose and work for you if you are lucky
Cynicism and jaundice sets in after 20 years which means they work slower and no price is ever enough (you dont want one of these guys
So its not only me then lol - this thread has made me feel a whole lot better
PS great respect to those trades that do the right thing..I'm being slightly tongue in cheek here