Installing windows on corrugated iron

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El Barto

20 Nov 2016
Reaction score
North Hampshire
My workshop is a mish mash of things and materials, I think it was a cattle shed at one point. Anyway, the only wall facing outside is made of corrugated iron. I want to add some windows because it has none, nothing fancy just some used/reclaimed things I can find for nowt or next to nowt.

Is this possible and if so, how might I best proceed?
Without sounding obvious... Would it not be a case of cutting the hole out of the corrugated and then creating a liner/frame with an inside dimension that allows the window to fit inside it?
I mean yeah, basically! That's what I had in mind but I suppose I was wondering if it's a good idea or not. Corrugated iron being all corrugated and such.
I guess the thing to work out is hos to fix the liner.... maybe make infill pieces to fit in the corugations and fix through into these. Probably a good idea to make a good solid bit of studwork near to and around the opening to stiffen it all up as well.
Is this a single storey building? I ask because the difficulty is going to be making the top of the new opening weathertight, but if it is hard up under the eaves the head of the window will be dry anyway.

The point of the studwork, TWW, is to support the window. You can't fix a window to crinkly tin, directly.

I guess the real answer to the question is "I wouldn't start from here"! :)
Could you use something like onduline apron flashing fixed inside the tin and projecting out over the window liner to waterproof it? In reverse as it were.

the only difficulty is getting hold of the necessary folded metal flashings but there is probably an online source now. You need zed shaped drip flashings above and below the window and 90 degree bent trims at the sides. Take a look at any industrial building with box section cladding to see how it’s done. This shows the general idea, but with corrugated sheets you need a foam filler to fill the voids to stop droughts. You will obviously need to frame the opening in timber.

If you want to post a photo, I can sketch the details if it would help (I spent years detailing industrial buildings).


You don't really need anything very special- the sides are easy (assuming the corrugations are vertical) because you have a straight line to work with. The open ends of the corrugated are covered by the windowsill at the bottom and a simple bit of steel, folded at about 100 degrees, tucked under the corrugated at the top and overhanging the window.
Thanks guys. @peter-harrison that sounds like a pretty pain free plan. I want to spend as little time and money on it as possible.

However, I'm now thinking of redoing the entire wall as it's a bit of a state anyway. Probably a job for spring/summer time.

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