Established Member
Good work Aled, bet you're pleased with that. Are you going to experiment with a Norris style adjuster too?
Ironballs":3p46vhrf said:Good work Aled, bet you're pleased with that. Are you going to experiment with a Norris style adjuster too?
EdSutton":mio6krde said:Looks excellent Aled. You must be delighted with the result, even if the route there has been a little challenging.
The various bits of reading I have done over the last few years on blogs and forums has made me realise the extent of engineering skill required to produce such a thing to an accurate standard.
Cheers, Ed
head clansman":1aqycs8v said:hi Aled
that is fantastic , superb , i bet your really pleased with it , just one small point though after putting in all that hard work and time be a true artist have your signature put on the top section of blade, maybe in a nice semi circle .hc :wink: