India’s successful Moon Landing

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Most of our funding now is focused on business investments which help create new markets and jobs for the UK?

Usually known as bribery.
Get real. What would you rather have? Us sitting on the sidelines and gradually going ever more downhill ? Or pitching for business with the rest of them ?
Real parasites in the UK are Hedge Fund managers, Corporate Bankers, chief Executives of Privatised Utilities, Tory Peers, people with off shore tax arrangements etc
I do so love sweeping generalisations aka bigotry. They really have their finger on the pulse as to what is actually happening.

For example....
Another fallacy - we'd improve state education by abolishing private schools. You'd just as well try to improve the railways by abolishing buses.
You both miss the point...tho I am sure I did not explain it well.
I did not say abolish...check....far too draconian..... but private schools do promote an us & them culture... and also at the cost of taking some of the best pupils out of the public system.
Make education so good that private is not normally needed.
Other countries seem to manage ...& with better economic results...
India also have the ethnic cleansing program which the government are very much an active part of. The Hindutva are actively seeking out and killing the muslim population and it's been classed as the next major genocide that the world will witness...

UK nor USA officially give a care and to make matter worse, recently there's been Hindutva activity in the UK. Add to that the police of Liecester gave a certificate of congrats to one of the Hindutva leaders...
CJ (who, I think is amazing) goes into more detail here

Here be the report on Liecester police and the Hindutva leader getting the award. The double standards is amazing. Maybe our current govt want to recreate another situation similar to whay they've helped put the Palestinian population into (homes bulldozed, partition walls created, general apartheid against the Palestinians etc etc etc).

What a crazy world we live in...
Make education so good that private is not normally needed.
Other countries seem to manage ...& with better economic results...
Certainly. They could start by not favouring London (although much of it is probably for interpreters) -

In figures from December 2021 shared by Cllr Ellenbroek with the council's children and families overview and scrutiny committee it shows that whilst Cornwall received just over £6,500 per pupil other authorities received as much as £10,000 per pupil.

Other authorities mainly being being London's.
Certainly. They could start by not favouring London (although much of it is probably for interpreters) -

In figures from December 2021 shared by Cllr Ellenbroek with the council's children and families overview and scrutiny committee it shows that whilst Cornwall received just over £6,500 per pupil other authorities received as much as £10,000 per pupil.

Other authorities mainly being being London's.
Blaming immigrants as usual?
There are a number of definitions for "parasite" - the two main options seem:
  • one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence
  • more biologically - an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.
It is questionable whether the hedge fund manager or banker (for instance) is the parasite, or those who benefit from the wealth created by their good judgement which they disperse through investment, job creation and day to day spending.

Perhaps the defining characteristic of opinions expressed is envy (an undesirable sin) which drives attitudes towards - say:
  • monarchy - they have no formal political clout (only outdated ceremonial), represent the UK (mostly) to good effect, engage in generally worthy activities (charities etc).
  • Preconceived opinions of keep or dismantle the monarchy means any cost analysis is invariably skewed. A decent accountant or economist will respond to the question "how much does it cost" with a reply "how much do you want it to cost".
  • education - improving standards for all is to be applauded. Denying access to private education is not the solution - they do not syphon off the best pupils, mostly those whose parents have money.
  • That private education produces better quality output is mainly due to the size of their budgets - averagely twice as much. State schools constrained by budgetary controls may be doing a truly excellent job.
It is questionable whether the hedge fund manager or banker (for instance) is the parasite, or those who benefit from the wealth created by their good judgement which they disperse through investment,
A confederacy of parasites!
My cousin taught in a South London school - her biggest day to day problem was tribal warfare amongst kids who spoke virtually no English - someone has to translate. She said she wasn't a teacher, she was a state sponsored babysitter.
Well thats how it is with foreign visitors. They tend to go where housing is cheap and there is a chance of work. No surprise there. Then they'll all learn english and become doctors, nurses, bus drivers etc. Good luck to them.
  • That private education produces better quality output is mainly due to the size of their budgets - averagely twice as much.
Unfortunately it also gives them access to positions of power and influence. All those generations of old etonian berks with Oxford PPE degrees - a disaster!
  • State schools constrained by budgetary controls may be doing a truly excellent job.
They do. They shift the balance of power. The establishment always feels nervous and that they need to limit this. Not funding "mickey mouse" degrees crops up a lot, but not the topmost mickey mouse degree of all, namely the above, Oxford PPE.
@Jacob, Come on, you must have a list of countries where socialism has improved its citizens life? Surely there must be numerous examples given all the virtues of socialism. Like many others I will be an instant convert to socialism upon seeing evidence that it does create a better, equal opportunity harmonious world.
I find it intriguing that India has landed on the moon with a budget of £75 million, and NASA latest mobile launch tower has a budget of $1 billion and it’s latest space suit a mere $3.5 billion whilst Artemis (moon rocket) is way over budget and looking like costing €13.5 billion. Somebody, somewhere has a lot of difficult questions to answer in NASA me thinks!
Well thats how it is with foreign visitors. They tend to go where housing is cheap and there is a chance of work. No surprise there. Then they'll all learn english and become doctors, nurses, bus drivers etc. Good luck to them.
Some of these were second and even third generation immigrants who still didn't have full command of English - they live in their own communities.
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