Jake, I agree to a small extent that Beech's post was there to try and help Syntec4 re-evaluate things and to try and work out the real reasons for his feelings, this is something i've been trying to do for a few months, and although difficult and not always clear, it does help bring some things into the clear. In my particular situation, its made me realise just how much I do dislike my job and just how much I do feel undervalued, hence my quest for a job that fulfills my requirements.
However, I think beech was unnesacarily harsh, and included far too much opinion. The sign of a good coach is one that doesn't colour his work with personal opinion, instead aks questions of the coachee that allows him/her to realise there own answers and solutions.
Beech, if you used that tone and approach when coaching me and my colleagues, I believe you would probably get a slap or at the very least a very demoralised and angry coachee.
But back onto the subject of change.
I personally think one of the hardest challanges, is to realise what it is that you enjoy doing, and what you can feel that you could do succesfully. So far in my short working life, i've been:
- A graphic designer
- A photographer
- An optical assistant
- A lab technician
- A lab manager
- A business owner
- A website developer
- IT support
- A trainer
- An office assistant
And throughout each of those (many of them were very short) I couldn't find what it was that I enjoyed about those roles, and quickly grew bored and unfuliflled.
So, how do you go about 'finding' that elusive job in the first place? Is it pot-luck, or are there methods of evaluation we can use?
My current train of thought, is leaning towards journalism/writing, but when looking into it, I only hear negative things back about it's difficult to make a living, blah blah blah, but isn't that the case with ever job?