Ideas On What I Could Make This Roof From Please

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Oppressed Slave of Gary The Cat
UKW Supporter
10 Jul 2011
Reaction score
Essex UK
Hi everyone,

I've been given a job from a friend of mine and she wants me to build her a new post box. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I could perhaps make the roof from. Ideally some sort of reclaimed material. The box will be roughy 7" by 7" at the base, but this is not set in stone and the height is yet to be determined as I'm more interested in finding the roof first.

Have atattched a sketchup of the sort of design I'm aiming for.


  • box.png
    17.5 KB
I made a bird table and used a reclaimed roof ridge tile. Not sure whether you could get one of suitable size?
What about cutting a series of curved pieces of plywood and sticking them together so that the 'end grain' is shown on the roof?
Just to get away from the ridge tiles for a mo...

1) Laminate some thin ply layers and cover with lead/copper/metal
2) Create a 1/2 barrel shape with small staves with angled edges
3) Create a mould with pine and make a fiberglass roof
4) Buy a cheap plastic/uhdp chopping board and use a heat gun to shape it
5) Get a piece of 6" drain pipe, cut to about 200 degrees of a circle and use heat gun to shape to final design.

A4 paper is 8.3 x 11.7. I would add around an inch to these measurements for the base - 9.5 x 9.5 in, and ensure there is at least 12in below the level of the bottom of the slot. Or Mr Postie will have trouble stuffing letters into the box.


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