matt":1eje2lz4 said:
Jenx":1eje2lz4 said:
Imagine having a bit of a crunch in your car ( notwithstanding whats happened to Simon here, ), but just with another ordinary bod, who .. at the scene, admits liability verbally ... then when you try to sort it all out over the coming days, they change their tune.
Your up a certain waterway, without a certain rowing impliment.
It'll invariably end up going 'knock for knock', and you.. as a completely innocent party, are out of pocket yet again.
I think most people admit liability but then realise it's not for them to decide - it's for the insurance companies to decide liability. Clearly it makes sense (to avoid a tricky situation) to hold your hands up at the scene if it's plainly your fault but most insurances contain a clause to say your insurance can be void if you admit liability.
Thats kind of what I'm getting at there, Matt.
.. kind of..
Times was, in the dim and distant past.. you phoned the 'bobby'
( I'm meaning a non-injury type bump here, you understand.. just bent metal )..
But 'today', you can phone them if you wish... nobody will come though.
.. unless you're vehicles are blocking the road of course.
The insurance company wont
decide who's at fault.. they couldn't.
They weren't there.
Thats the point I'm making ...
Assuming you're a 'clearly innocent party' .. ( lets say someone pulls out of a side road and you clip him.. for example ).. thats his fault.. but if he contests it, in the absence of the rozzers... how can you hope to be 'fully covered' ? you cant.
You should, in theory.. not be out of pocket in the slightest.
But I'd bet my bottom dollar, you
will be. And thats wrong.
This would indicate the importance of trying to obtain witnesses at the scene... not always possible of course.
Whilst on the hobbyhorse...
Protected No Claims Discounts. --
Lets assume you have a 60% NCD.
And its 'protected'. ( which loads your premium a little to obtain this 'protection )
And your policy cost you £500 which is then given a 60% discount.
-- therefore you paid a nett £200 for the cover.
- The you have a bump.. on which there is an insurance claim.
- next renewal date.. you think, I'm ok, I have a protected NCD.
-- The quoted price is now £1000, "cause you made a claim, Sir"... but you will get 60% NCD, as your discount is protected.
.. Nett result is your insurance now costs you £400.
- Sure, you get a 60% discount still.. but off what ? .. the undiscounted price is totally variable, and you have not bought any protection against that. - obvious it may seem, but its surprising how many people get caught out.
The whole concept of Motor Insurance and the manner by which it operates is fundamentally flawed.
To my mind.. every vehicle should pay a set insurance charge and then display a coloured disc or something similar ( much like the road tax system ) in the window of the car.
Absence of one, in the event of an accident, should be an undisputable callout of the police to the scene ( and don't believe the 'we havent got time' excuse, thats a nonsense.. ) and if its found that there is no coloured disc ( i.e. no insurance ), that should result in an undisputable, and mandatory £5 Grand fine / or 6 months at her majestys pleasure.
End of. no if's or buts about it... Leave the scene of the accident, and that results in a punishment fit for the severity of doing so.
And you then claim on YOUR Insurance.. currently, your company claims on the other partys insurance. ( Claim/ Counter-claim ending up as 'easiest way is knock for knock' agreement between the non-cartel'd and totally above board world of insurance companies..
believe that if you like )
Its time that this vague, wooly nonsense was put to bed permanently.
Its not hard to bring about a very workable, clearly defined and cut & dried system into being. And to give it the proper levity and gravitas that it should have.
This would effectively put a stop to the situations that Simon has had to endure.
No Insurance on that vehicle ... ?
Wallop. Huge fine ( not negotiable ) .. or 6 months in the clink.
And everone pays a set fee for a vehicle, which could be banded into M/C's, Car, HGV , etc etc... and set at sensible levels.
Nobody loses... Insurance companies, Joe Public, yada yada...
only loser is the crook that used to fail to ensure his vehicle, and that.. ladies and mantelpieces, is EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE. :evil:
.. but don't take me seriously.