I always find it interesting when we are faced with "crises" in society like this.
I don't think Knife crime (or at least people carrying Knives) is new, As a teenager (some 25 years ago) I carried a knife, not to look cool or because I was in a gang, but because I was afraid of a local bully who carried one. Mine was bigger (of course).
I had what I would describe as a very good upbring by caring parents, who didn't flinch from telling me off or even handing out the odd smack. When they found out I carried a Knife I was told off, severly, and grounded (it wasn't called that then but the effect was the same). My mum "clipped me round the ear" to ensure that I understood what was going on
My Dad then sat me down and explained to me why he was so angry, describing a friend of his, who some 30 years earlier, had been in a similar situation, and had been seriously injured in the ensuing knife fight! That (and not the punishment) made me stop carrying a knife and in fact I joined youth CND as well but we can have the argument for unilateral disarmament another day
I think there will always be idiots that carry weapons, and the real problem today is lack of respect, for teachers, police, elders. Knife attackes, anti social behaviour etc, etc are all symptons of tha. Unfortunatley we can't reverse 30 years + of a soppy, liberal education system overnight, especially whilst we persist it. I don't believe that we need a return to corporal punishment by the state or the school, I had teachers who could control a class without the threat of violence, and those people need to be encouraged to return. Once you start to build respect into children for adults then all else follows IMHO