Convert old fridge for paint storage etc.

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Established Member
27 Mar 2021
Reaction score
Field, Ontario, Canada
Tired of hauling paint to the house in winter. Figure I could mount an incandescent bulb or a low watt heat lamp. Fridge is in garage 10 steps from the shop. Anyone done this, any thoughts?
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Put two similar power lamps in series. Each will produce 25% of it’s rated power but they will last forever.
I used to use that technique to keep a tool cupboard free from rust.
Installed a fixture attached to ceiling of the fridge. Using a flood light at present, measured the temp. before turning the lamp on. Will check temp. in an hour.
I would add some ventilation too.
Gives a chance for any moisture build up to escape rather than cause mold and fester.
Have you had paint freeze before? What does it do to the paint in the longterm?
Have you had paint freeze before? What does it do to the paint in the longterm?
I guess it depends on the type of paint.
In my limited experience with household paint (gloss/emulsion) it either separates and never recombines no matter how much it’s stirred or it doesn’t dry properly and stays tacky.
Not where I live, in London sure, our winter temps can reach -40C weeks on end and averaging out around -20C.
Ah yes... The winters in Ontario can be a little coole than in the UK. I've lived in rura parts in the past and it really gets cold there, as well in the city... And not just Ontario...
Yes - and you wouldn't have to worry about those nasty greenhouse gasses escaping in a few years, when the gubbins at the back rust away...
Great use for an olde fridge/freezer...The wooden box idea sounds a good one. and the inclusion of a thermostat too as per the olde fridge would be essential. Will consider making such a "box"

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