Established Member
Hot water crust pastry is totally unforgiving! You only get one chance to get it right before filling. Any small imperfection will be magnified and become a crack 
I inherited a lathe from my father. He was a Windsor chair maker for many years following his retirement from the RAF. It is a Turnstyler with a 55 inch bed. It has sat in my workshop along with all his turning tools for several years untouched save my regular maintenance to keep rust at bay. This Christmas I decided to have a go so turned a trial piece from a block of pine. Roughing gouge was straightforward to use as were other narrower gouges. Tried his skew chisels which was a whole different ballgame! Need to practice with that weapon as it was very ‘catchy’. I want to turn more, particularly slender legs for tables, etc so can see skew needs practice. Wish I had been interested as a youngster when he was still with us.
The only one I have came in a set and seems too large for me. I have been eyeing up the new slimline ones from axy.
That type of description - which I see far too often on Amazon - makes my blood boil!!!If you struggle with a larger one you'll probably struggle as much or more with a narrow one. Get yourself some of this - (hunt around for the best price)
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/10mmx200mm-Speed-Steel-Carbide-Lathe/dp/B00MJSS64I/ref=sr_1_26?dchild=1&keywords=10mm+round+hss+bar&qid=1609679489&sr=8-26 and make yourself a round skew - easier to use than flat ones. If you must have a flat one, make sure the side is rounded.
Certainly. I picked that one pretty much at random, and just presume HSS. (I didn't actually notice the carbide bit).That type of description - which I see far too often on Amazon - makes my blood boil!!!
It's NOT CARBIDE at all, it may well be some variant of HSS but HSS is not carbide and that term is there simply to imply that it is a superior product.
Why Amazon allow such mal-description is beyond me, they ought to remove any product with an incorrect description!
If you struggle with a larger one you'll probably struggle as much or more with a narrow one. Get yourself some of this - (hunt around for the best price)
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/10mmx200...rds=10mm+round+hss+bar&qid=1609679489&sr=8-26and make yourself a round skew - easier to use than flat ones. If you must have a flat one, make sure the side is rounded.
That type of description - which I see far too often on Amazon - makes my blood boil!!! ...
Why Amazon allow such mal-description is beyond me, they ought to remove any product with an incorrect description!