How long in a queue?

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Established Member
12 Sep 2017
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First of all, I hate supermarket shopping at the best of times. When I do have to go I will buy a family pack of loo rolls and “packs” of other essentials simply to reduce the number of times I have to visit these places again. Is that hoarding? Apologies if it is, but it never created a run as far as I’m aware!

On the other hand I love going to the “shops”, the butcher, the baker, the greengrocers. It’s just a much nicer experience, banter with the shop keeper, advice & suggestions, nice.

But about the queue. I went to my supermarket last week not to go in but to get some cash from the ATM. That by the way wasn’t a bulk transaction. The queue was astonishing, it must have been 400+ metres long, socially distanced so 200+ people. Just how long would you be queuing to then find out God knows how long later, they’ve got no toilet rolls?

So, what’s the record so far?
I dont know about long queues. I went to our local Morrisons yesterday about 330pm. it is a big store rather than a "local", but there was no queuing to get in, no queuing at the tills and the place was generally quiet. There were a few things out of stock, but most didn't affect me and the few that did I can make do with something else. Generally speaking (aside from flour) it was different items out of stock from the previous Friday. We got sufficient food to last for the week, but will have to have a couple of vegetarian days I think. No great issue there and if that is the worst that we face in the next 7 days, I will call that success.

On the same retail park, people were queuing for Boots, but I would guess that they have closed the store and are just operating the night pharmacy through a window. There were maybe 6 well spaced people waiting there. B & M I didn't see a queue waiting to go in, and the carpark was typical of a Sunday afternoon at 330.

I was surprised how empty Morrisons was. I had expected a long wait to get in. They had separated the entry to the exit (normally 2 combined bit entrance doors) for reasons that were not particularly apparent, but didn't have anybody sanitising trolleys which I would have thought appropriate. There were some multi buy offers on which I thought were a bit daft- I wanted a sweet and sour sauce for a quick meal one night. £1.80 each or 3 for £3. as a result it made sense to buy the 1 that I "needed" and stockpile 2, defeating the purpose a bit of trying to buy only what you need. They will get used in the next couple of weeks, but still... there were a few similar examples that I saw, but bare shelves as a result. Fresh ravioli pasta, £2 each or 2 for £2.50 (no stock of any flavours)
marcros":20oenmk1 said:
I dont know about long queues. I went to our local Morrisons yesterday about 330pm. it is a big store rather than a "local", but there was no queuing to get in, no queuing at the tills and the place was generally quiet. There were a few things out of stock, but most didn't affect me and the few that did I can make do with something else. Generally speaking (aside from flour) it was different items out of stock from the previous Friday. We got sufficient food to last for the week, but will have to have a couple of vegetarian days I think. No great issue there and if that is the worst that we face in the next 7 days, I will call that success.

On the same retail park, people were queuing for Boots, but I would guess that they have closed the store and are just operating the night pharmacy through a window. There were maybe 6 well spaced people waiting there. B & M I didn't see a queue waiting to go in, and the carpark was typical of a Sunday afternoon at 330.

I was surprised how empty Morrisons was. I had expected a long wait to get in. They had separated the entry to the exit (normally 2 combined bit entrance doors) for reasons that were not particularly apparent, but didn't have anybody sanitising trolleys which I would have thought appropriate. There were some multi buy offers on which I thought were a bit daft- I wanted a sweet and sour sauce for a quick meal one night. £1.80 each or 3 for £3. as a result it made sense to buy the 1 that I "needed" and stockpile 2, defeating the purpose a bit of trying to buy only what you need. They will get used in the next couple of weeks, but still... there were a few similar examples that I saw, but bare shelves as a result. Fresh ravioli pasta, £2 each or 2 for £2.50 (no stock of any flavours)

Wow, it would probably be quicker then to drive up to Yorkshire and back than join the queue at my local Sainsburys :D

Interesting that in these times the supermarkets are actually encouraging "bulk buying". Strange world we live in :?
Did my weekly supermarket shop this morning. The queue looked horrendous, but moved quickly. Must have been about 50 to 75 people - snaking across the store front and along the back of the carpark, past the recycling skips and (after I joined it) into the petrol station. It only took about 15 minutes, though. I asked the security chap on the door if they'd had any bother, and he said that 99% had been absolutely wonderful, just the occasional 'entitled' queue jumper.

Once in the shop, it was great - loads of space, lots of tills open so no queues there, and stock levels of almost everything seemed about normal. Just tinned goods, flour and eggs were low, as far as I could see, though I didn't check things like hand gels. I even got a bottle of disinfectant, which I thought would be a problem.

Roads were virtually empty - driving was a real pleasure! Needed to fill up with fuel, and my normal petrol station forecourt only had two of us on it.

All in all, apart from the minor inconvenience of the 15 minute queue, the whole morning's outing was (almost!) a pleasure.
Geoff_S":24ayg5vh said:
Hmm, Yorkshire & Cheshire. Am I seeing a trend here? :wink:

Gods County Geoff. he must look after us because we are local!
how long in a queue? Well I spent 4hrs 38 minutes 22 seconds on hold on Thursday before I finally got to speak to someone about my claim for ESA, this was on my 4th day of trying, Wed I gave up after 6hrs and on Tuesday after 5
Droogs":1z1d9rbi said:
how long in a queue? Well I spent 4hrs 38 minutes 22 seconds on hold on Thursday before I finally got to speak to someone about my claim for ESA, this was on my 4th day of trying, Wed I gave up after 6hrs and on Tuesday after 5

That's really bad, we live in trying times.
Did they have any toilet rolls?
Cheshirechappie":1f5uuqvu said:
Did my weekly supermarket shop this morning. The queue looked horrendous, but moved quickly. Must have been about 50 to 75 people - snaking across the store front and along the back of the carpark, past the recycling skips and (after I joined it) into the petrol station. It only took about 15 minutes, though. I asked the security chap on the door if they'd had any bother, and he said that 99% had been absolutely wonderful, just the occasional 'entitled' queue jumper.

Once in the shop, it was great - loads of space, lots of tills open so no queues there, and stock levels of almost everything seemed about normal. Just tinned goods, flour and eggs were low, as far as I could see, though I didn't check things like hand gels. I even got a bottle of disinfectant, which I thought would be a problem.

Roads were virtually empty - driving was a real pleasure! Needed to fill up with fuel, and my normal petrol station forecourt only had two of us on it.

All in all, apart from the minor inconvenience of the 15 minute queue, the whole morning's outing was (almost!) a pleasure.

Not supermarket related, but seeing the bit about the queue jumpers reminded me of an incident almost fifty years a go when my brother, his wife, her brother and myself were queueing for the hovercraft in Calais for Ramsgate. One English driver drove up to the front of the queue and basically demanded to queue jump to which he was told," You, back of queue," when he argued the guy just said, "Now you not get on hovercraft," a few more cars had joined the queue by then. :)

I have been managing to keep us fed using our local corner shop which, apart from a couple of occasions over the last couple of weeks has remained fully stocked with more or less everything we needed. Except pasta. Am I missing something? Did the news say that pasta was the vaccine?

Trouble is it's a bloody expensive way to shop and they don't quite have everything we need so I went to the local big tesco mid week. Queued for about 10 mins in 2m bays which was weird. Got my trolley wiped down on entrance and had to disinfect my hands. I asked the lady if she'd do my car too... Given the response I imagine she had heard that a few times before me.

Unfortunately the stuff we needed. Baby wipes, nappies, pasta, flour etc etc were all sold out there too so it was a long drive for basically nothing although I did manage to get bananas which made my little boy happy.

consequentially I have just ordered a heap of reusable baby wipes and some nappies of tinternet. Still can't get any bloody pasta.
Suffolkboy":3go0bfo7 said:
I have been managing to keep us fed using our local corner shop which, apart from a couple of occasions over the last couple of weeks has remained fully stocked with more or less everything we needed. Except pasta. Am I missing something? Did the news say that pasta was the vaccine?

Trouble is it's a bloody expensive way to shop and they don't quite have everything we need so I went to the local big tesco mid week. Queued for about 10 mins in 2m bays which was weird. Got my trolley wiped down on entrance and had to disinfect my hands. I asked the lady if she'd do my car too... Given the response I imagine she had heard that a few times before me.

Unfortunately the stuff we needed. Baby wipes, nappies, pasta, flour etc etc were all sold out there too so it was a long drive for basically nothing although I did manage to get bananas which made my little boy happy.

consequentially I have just ordered a heap of reusable baby wipes and some nappies of tinternet. Still can't get any bloody pasta.

How does a reusable baby wipe work? Isn’t that just a flannel?
Droogs":65zz04pc said:
how long in a queue? Well I spent 4hrs 38 minutes 22 seconds on hold on Thursday before I finally got to speak to someone about my claim for ESA, this was on my 4th day of trying, Wed I gave up after 6hrs and on Tuesday after 5

Running call centres for essential services is quite difficult at the moment. Agents need to be 2 m apart In all directions which means getting a full compliment in to work is nigh on impossible. A number of agents need to self isolate due to family members displaying symptoms etc so absence is increased. Strangely when people get through they tend to want to talk for longer and also need an apology for having been kept waiting so fewer calls get handled. Keeping the sites clean is also an issue as the firms that do this work are struggling with the same issues with needing employees to self isolate etc.

Enabling agents to work from home can be done but there are all sorts of considerations about data security.

For clarity I am adding this purely for some additional context - I have every sympathy with anyone needing to get help to access essential services who finds it difficult to do so.
Geoff_S":3k0q5q1b said:
Suffolkboy":3k0q5q1b said:
I have been managing to keep us fed using our local corner shop which, apart from a couple of occasions over the last couple of weeks has remained fully stocked with more or less everything we needed. Except pasta. Am I missing something? Did the news say that pasta was the vaccine?

Trouble is it's a bloody expensive way to shop and they don't quite have everything we need so I went to the local big tesco mid week. Queued for about 10 mins in 2m bays which was weird. Got my trolley wiped down on entrance and had to disinfect my hands. I asked the lady if she'd do my car too... Given the response I imagine she had heard that a few times before me.

Unfortunately the stuff we needed. Baby wipes, nappies, pasta, flour etc etc were all sold out there too so it was a long drive for basically nothing although I did manage to get bananas which made my little boy happy.

consequentially I have just ordered a heap of reusable baby wipes and some nappies of tinternet. Still can't get any bloody pasta.

How does a reusable baby wipe work? Isn’t that just a flannel?

Yeah but softer... ... --EALw_wcB
Can I ask generally if, when people post links to youtube, that they include a few-word summary of what it is about?

I hate about 95% of youtube, both for the quality of work displayed and for the presentation style. I'd find it helpful to have summaries like "really good demo of X", or, 'here's an awful example of unsafe practice". And I'll try to remember to do this myself!

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