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Fantastic job. Looks very elegant.

Have you put a finish on the plywood and hardwood facings?

You must have a great sense of accomplishment after that.
Leaving them raw. Books will eventually pretty much cover every inch and like the Matt contrast with the sheen of the satin painted areas. Think of it was more of a shelving units, where liquids/candles and so forth would be involved I'd definitely be inclined to add some protection
It does show how different a set of views people can have… for me a set of book spines is relaxing and exciting, it is the start of one or more adventures into a new world, friends to make, emotions to share… highs and lows to experience and new favourites to re-read into the future…
Books to me are a source of knowledge, they allow you to exercise the grey matter and pursue the never ending path of learning.

My books are nicer to see than most peoples children.
An even bigger advantage is that they will almost certainly be much better behaved.