Hi from Worcestershire


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3 Oct 2022
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Hi. I'm Rob.

I did woodwork at school but wasn't very good at it, and ended up doing a lot more metal work. I've done mainly DIY type things over the years. Over lockdown I returned to a boyhood hobby of model making - mainly tanks. That was fine, but I got a little tired of making models of killing machines. So decided I'd rather make useful thing out of wood. I'm enjoying myself. Have gone through an early "how many machines have I got room for in my garage" stage, progressed to a "how am I going to fit them in, and live with the noise and dust" stage and am now enjoying a "aren't hand tools great" position.

I'm currently building myself a workbench, and I'll post a thread in the project forum when I've got a minute to upload some photos.
Hi there, just up the rd from you in Wolverhampton, welcome and enjoy your new found hobby , loads of members have posted info on bench building and these could save you time and money by searching for them . Good luck
Thank you both. The bench isn't costing me much at the moment as I got the oak I'm using for the top very cheaply and the rest of the bench is being made from spare wood I already have. It is taking me time because I'm only working on it at weekends (mainly just Sundays) and I'm doing most if by hand. So a lot of time flattening by hand. But I've got plenty of time and am enjoying the process, so no problem at al.