Hello from Essex!


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5 Feb 2025
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Hi, I spotted the forum when looking for information on refurbishing some cheap beat up vintage Record No. 4 planes I got on eBay. Seemed like an interesting place!

I’ve always liked DIY, tools, fixing and making things, so have a fair number of kit based hobbies like bicycles, rock climbing and fancy coffee machines. I’m a shed enthusiast, looking to get into wood working a bit more and not just make super practical but ugly things 😂

I will likely need a bit of advice on refurb options for an old Nicholson bench and I’m looking forward to getting some new project ideas from the skilled people who post here etc.
Hi, I’m in Barking! So technically just into Essex, but really part of London to be fair
I cannot recall Barking being in Essex, it has been the London borough of Barking and Dagenham for at least sixty years. I can remember when Romford was in Essex but now swallowed up as part of the London borough of Havering. I can also say that Ilford was once part of Essex as my Dad grew up there and I can remember seeing letters to there house in Exeter gardens with Essex on them.

But welcome to the UKW and any questions just ask.
Welcome! What part of Essex are you from?
Hi, I’m in Barking! So technically just into Essex, but really part of London to be fair
I cannot recall Barking being in Essex, it has been the London borough of Barking and Dagenham for at least sixty years. I can remember when Romford was in Essex but now swallowed up as part of the London borough of Havering. I can also say that Ilford was once part of Essex as my Dad grew up there and I can remember seeing letters to there house in Exeter gardens with Essex on them.

But welcome to the UKW and any questions just ask.
I cannot recall Barking being in Essex, it has been the London borough of Barking and Dagenham for at least sixty years. I can remember when Romford was in Essex but now swallowed up as part of the London borough of Havering. I can also say that Ilford was once part of Essex as my Dad grew up there and I can remember seeing letters to there house in Exeter gardens with Essex on them.

But welcome to the UKW and any questions just ask.
Well, you are spot on! Embarrassingly I have lived there for a few years now under that misapprehension…

Turns out Barking, Romford and Ilford were part of Essex until 1965 when they got changed to be a Greater London borough. I’m not old enough to remember the change though! 😂

Cheers for the welcome, I will make a thread on the bench refurb bits over the weekend.
Back in those days places like Romford were just towns and not overly congested, it all started to go pear shaped when they built the ring road in 1970, upto then North street was continous all the way to the collier row roundabout on the A12 and the market at the southern end.

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