Hi, I spotted the forum when looking for information on refurbishing some cheap beat up vintage Record No. 4 planes I got on eBay. Seemed like an interesting place!
I’ve always liked DIY, tools, fixing and making things, so have a fair number of kit based hobbies like bicycles, rock climbing and fancy coffee machines. I’m a shed enthusiast, looking to get into wood working a bit more and not just make super practical but ugly things
I will likely need a bit of advice on refurb options for an old Nicholson bench and I’m looking forward to getting some new project ideas from the skilled people who post here etc.
I’ve always liked DIY, tools, fixing and making things, so have a fair number of kit based hobbies like bicycles, rock climbing and fancy coffee machines. I’m a shed enthusiast, looking to get into wood working a bit more and not just make super practical but ugly things

I will likely need a bit of advice on refurb options for an old Nicholson bench and I’m looking forward to getting some new project ideas from the skilled people who post here etc.