Evenin all. I'm Chris aka Wolfie from North Yorkshire.
I guess first and foremost I'm a model maker, something I've done for over 50 years, think Airfix. However my granddad was an engineer and so was his son, my uncle. They taught me a lot when I was small.
Nowadays I have a halfway decent workshop with a Smart and Brown tool makers lathe, bloody thing weighs half a ton! But I got it dead cheap so couldn't turn it down. Also a milling machine and pillar drill etc, all the usual stuff.
I dabble in model engineering and have built a Stuart engine from scratch, just bought the plans. I have a 1959 BSA bike which I'm slowly restoring and can turn my hand to most things. And I can fix anything. We have a "Repair Cafe" locally at which I'm the star attraction apparently. They see what I do as black magic haha I could weep for the skills lost this last 50 year.
Most recently taken up clock repair and picked up a 110 year old HAC wall clock at an auction house a few weeks since for £4, its now ticking away nicely on my wall

Found this place by asccident looking for summat else to do with woodturning which is probably going to be my next project.
I guess first and foremost I'm a model maker, something I've done for over 50 years, think Airfix. However my granddad was an engineer and so was his son, my uncle. They taught me a lot when I was small.
Nowadays I have a halfway decent workshop with a Smart and Brown tool makers lathe, bloody thing weighs half a ton! But I got it dead cheap so couldn't turn it down. Also a milling machine and pillar drill etc, all the usual stuff.
I dabble in model engineering and have built a Stuart engine from scratch, just bought the plans. I have a 1959 BSA bike which I'm slowly restoring and can turn my hand to most things. And I can fix anything. We have a "Repair Cafe" locally at which I'm the star attraction apparently. They see what I do as black magic haha I could weep for the skills lost this last 50 year.
Most recently taken up clock repair and picked up a 110 year old HAC wall clock at an auction house a few weeks since for £4, its now ticking away nicely on my wall
Found this place by asccident looking for summat else to do with woodturning which is probably going to be my next project.