Helping at a repair cafe

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Oh dear, two degrees, but blissfully unaware of the responsibilities and liabilities. I too have a degree in Electrical and electronics as well as being a Chartered Engineer. I also was involved with the last IEEE regs (not the latest) and ran at one stage a company that designed and manufactured electrical test instruments. I can play top trumps too😂

There isn’t a contract that exists that allows the customer irrespective of whether the work paid for or free to sign away the fact that someone may create a lethal or dangerous bit of kit. If you fix it, you are personally liable for your errors as well as the organisation that organised for you to do it.

Knock yourself out, if you feel like playing Russian Roulette. But from what you say about how these cafes operate they should be shut down immediately, extremely ridiculous way of operating.
"If you fix it, you are personally liable for your errors as well as the organisation that organised for you to do it." ??

YOU WISH. This is complete nonsense.
At the risk of being called a humbug. These arrangements completely devalue any skill used in there execution. The principal is great but the reality is the skills your using to fix said item are immediately assimilated as valueless by the general public. It's basically the final expression of these skills(in a commercial sense)
Rather mean comment which is not vested in reality.There is very little provision of repair services in a commercial sense that is either economic or affordable.
Like charity shops inflating rent in High streets things have unforeseen consequences. And putting them under a charity banner doesn't change the outcome.
Why not set up a mechanic cafe next to a little garage for instance.
Have you done that?
Once a skill is devalued to the point when it's free market economics means it will die. Yes you guys may be a hangover from a previous era but if your intention is to upskill then go and teach people under 18 to repair stuff. Run courses where you teach young people to repair stuff.
Do you do that?
Set up a garage repairing old cars for free. Plenty of retired mechanics around. Rent a unit. Advertise. Free fix for all. You would be the only garage around. And you would be doing poor motorists a huge favour.
I've ruffled the feathers of some people by having an opinion that's different to there's. My opinion is nothing it's meaningless so why so cafes are everywhere in every town so you've won. But I still have my opinion.
"If you fix it, you are personally liable for your errors as well as the organisation that organised for you to do it." ??

YOU WISH. This is complete nonsense.
You might not be aware, but any advise you provide that’s someone else follows that is not qualified will also make you culpable should they follow that advise? Suggesting that carrying out any work for the public does not carry with it a duty of care isn’t very helpful and makes you liable with them.

Now, the precedents for what I’m suggesting are easily found, just do a bit of googling rather than shouting down something you clearly have no knowledge about.

So if you check any of my posts you will see I won’t give opinions on Electrical stuff, I qualify any responses with I did the following or, In my opinion, or project that I’m an expert in anything.

Im all for voluntary work, but, this has to be done properly following all the H&S rules that any business working in that sector must follow.
Set up a garage repairing old cars for free. Plenty of retired mechanics around. Rent a unit. Advertise. Free fix for all. You would be the only garage around. And you would be doing poor motorists a huge favour.
I've ruffled the feathers of some people by having an opinion that's different to there's. My opinion is nothing it's meaningless so why so cafes are everywhere in every town so you've won. But I still have my opinion.
Not angry it's just that you (and @deema) seem to have completely missed the point!
You might not be aware, but any advise you provide that’s someone else follows that is not qualified will also make you culpable should they follow that advise? Suggesting that carrying out any work for the public does not carry with it a duty of care isn’t very helpful and makes you liable with them.

Now, the precedents for what I’m suggesting are easily found, just do a bit of googling rather than shouting down something you clearly have no knowledge about.

So if you check any of my posts you will see I won’t give opinions on Electrical stuff, I qualify any responses with I did the following or, In my opinion, or project that I’m an expert in anything.

Im all for voluntary work, but, this has to be done properly following all the H&S rules that any business working in that sector must follow.
I can’t believe that we have members advocating that anybody irrespective of their ability should ‘have a go’ at fixing stuff. Would you let a random stranger meddle with your kids bike? No, neither would I, I’d take it to be fixed if I couldn’t do it myself to a reputable bike shop where I’d expect the staff to be fully trained and be responsible if it isn’t done right. The same discussion can be had for anything. So, I quick google tuned up the following solicitors: read it and be very aware, that instead of bike reokaced it with anything you fix for the public.
It doesn’t matter that you were ‘volunteering’. But it’s your liberty and your money, do as you will.

"Im all for voluntary work, but, this has to be done properly following all the H&S rules that any business working in that sector must follow." ???

This from HSE:

"When health and safety law does not apply
In most cases, health and safety law does not apply where volunteering does not involve an employer. However, there are some exceptions, such as where a volunteer:

  • is in control of non-domestic premises, such as a village or community hall
  • procures or controls construction work, for example if a village hall management committee employs a builder to carry out renovation work

When civil law applies

If you have volunteers carrying out activities for your organisation and you have no employees, then health and safety law will not normally apply to you."

Please leave this thread alone, and concentrate your legalistic cavilling in a corner with other Sec*rocrats
"Im all for voluntary work, but, this has to be done properly following all the H&S rules that any business working in that sector must follow." ???

This from HSE:

"When health and safety law does not apply
In most cases, health and safety law does not apply where volunteering does not involve an employer. However, there are some exceptions, such as where a volunteer:

  • is in control of non-domestic premises, such as a village or community hall
  • procures or controls construction work, for example if a village hall management committee employs a builder to carry out renovation work

When civil law applies

If you have volunteers carrying out activities for your organisation and you have no employees, then health and safety law will not normally apply to you."

Please leave this thread alone, and concentrate your legalistic cavilling in a corner with other Sec*rocrats
Have you read what you’ve posted? The exceptions which it states as example for WHERE H&S is applicable is exactly what a Repair Cafe does.
I get fixing stuff for no reward. It's admirable in every way. But once it becomes en mass and organised dare I say businesslike it kills any potential for a meaningful enterprise whilst it exists. Every aspect of every trade could be offered as a free service to all using the huge free retired workforce most still qualified and able.
I get fixing stuff for no reward. It's admirable in every way. But once it becomes en mass and organised dare I say businesslike it kills any potential for a meaningful enterprise whilst it exists. Every aspect of every trade could be offered as a free service to all using the huge free retired workforce most still qualified and able.
It there were businesses that offered the service there wouldn’t be the repair cafes. The cafes are filling a non cost effective area.
Repair a lawnmower and the lawnmower business will be bankrupt. Every item that's repaired could be repaired by a business that exists(for now).
Consider what happens when the bbc decide to cancel this program or worse(much worse) people are once again affluent enough to do what they really want and just "get a new one"
I can’t believe that we have members advocating that anybody irrespective of their ability should ‘have a go’ at fixing stuff. Would you let a random stranger meddle with your kids bike? No, neither would I, I’d take it to be fixed if I couldn’t do it myself to a reputable bike shop where I’d expect the staff to be fully trained and be responsible if it isn’t done right. The same discussion can be had for anything. So, I quick google tuned up the following solicitors: read it and be very aware, that instead of bike reokaced it with anything you fix for the public.
It doesn’t matter that you were ‘volunteering’. But it’s your liberty and your money, do as you will.

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I can’t believe that we have members advocating that anybody irrespective of their ability should ‘have a go’ at fixing stuff. Would you let a random stranger meddle with your kids bike?
You do talk nonsense.
I've fiddled with kids bikes as a random stranger numbers of times. I've been an active cyclist for 70 years :oops:, using trails as well as roads. Local trails very popular with inexperienced trippers. Quite common to see groups fiddling about trying to adjust brakes etc and wondering whether they were going to have to walk back to the car park. Always grateful for any help!
Last chap was a Norwegian teenager who was in distress having fixed his puncture several times and not noticed the embedded nail defeating his efforts. As an experienced cyclist I spotted and extracted it! No insurance!!
Kids and or parents have even dropped in to ask for adjustments etc - it's totally bloody normal!!
Maybe you live in some sort of very dismal part of the country? Need to get out a bit more perhaps?
"Would you let a random stranger meddle with your kids bike?"

At our Repair Cafe, and at the other ones I help out at, there is a steady stream of parents doing just exactly that. Bike repairs - after textiles & sewing, sharpening, and small electricals - is the most popular repair activity.

Quoting fly-by-night "ambulance-chasing" solicitors as your evidence demonstrates the vacuity of your argument.

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