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I know it sounds daft and apologies to anyone I upset but as Dom says when cleaned up there won't be much left so why not just frame it and hang it on the wall as a feature? It is so well grained it is almost a work of art in and of itself!
If you don't want to do that we'll gladly hang it in our house on your behalf, suitably finished of course :lol:
Its begging to be a guitar BB ! Ill swap some larger Wenge for it if you want ?
BB, I agree with Mike....what about a hand tool cabinet. The wood could then be left quite rustic for two matching doors. That way you can keep it for yourself and enjoy its look.

You never know a project might just crop up in the future and then you can recliam and reuse it. Clever hey?

Corset - I like that idea very much, i'm thinking of gifts for the family, espeically SWMBO's dad who did all the wiring for me in the workshop..

The guiter idea again -- I can imagine it would look amazing as a gibson explorer, but this really has to be furniture, i'll have too keep my eye's peeled for another piece in the future, would look amazing!

Tom - I also see drawer fronts so i'm on the same page as you there..

Dom - surprisingly there is quite a lot of material, that picture doesn't really do it justice, i'll have to take a better photo, that one is from the ebay seller.

Mark - I might use some off-cuts to make the odd knick-knack for the kitchen to keep Tracey happy, great idea!

Well, after thinking about all your great suggestions, I've decided to go ahead with the something similar to the single door small wall cabinet like I posted earlier in the thread, this is for a number of reasons:

- I can easily get four doors and four drawer fronts of the wood with some spare left over

- It'll give me three cabinets to give away to my family for xmas, and it'll leave me one left over to give to Tracey as a jewelry cabinet.. that way everyone is happy, and I get to keep a bit of it in the house.

Thanks again for all the input, although it really has got me thinking abot starting another guitar project!
Tony - i'm one step ahead of you on that side of things, I have a secret stash of some other lovely spalted timber that is earmarked for boxes, i can't say anymore than that, it's all a bit hush hush ;-)
Thanks for posting the link Dave - I shouldn't have been lazy and credited it with a link to start with, it really is a beautiful piece, I love the part panel door - nice touch, and the interior is really well done. I intend to have a single small drawer at the bottom of the cabinet, and then some hooks for hanging keys and such like; I might have a few carved 'dishes' to hold loose change..