This was my late father in laws pride and joy, and after my mother in law also passed, and we have hopefullly now sold the house following the horrendously tedious and length processing of the death tax…..often called proberty, or raping and pillaging those who have passed away whilst putting their relatives through a gruelling and expensive exercise. As an aside, if you haven’t been through this you have to get everything independently valued, which included this table for the death duty to be worked out. Funny how valuations bare no relationship to reality. This was valued about a year ago, and now, it’s simply worthless, or put it this way, eBay, Market Place, Gumtree, dealers and even trying to give it to local charities all failed. So, having paid tax on the blinking thing, we are left with a large green elephant in the room that the prospective new owner does not want. It’s going into storage, as there might be a possibility I will have somewhere to put it……I don’t play but by boys do.