HELP Need a new replacement Scroll saw but tight budget

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Established Member
20 Jun 2011
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Hi all
Been a while since I've been on the site but had a fire and lost all my tools about a year ago. So I'm in need of a new scroll saw to replace my AWFS18 but my budget is £100 :cry:

So whats out there guys give me some hope, what do you recommend

AWFS16 ... saw-501247

Record ss16 ... 230v/63745

Clarke ccs16 ... croll-saw/

Einhell TH-SS ... -saw-230v/

I've got a SIP 16" saw. Had it for four or five years, never been any trouble.
Variable speed, tilting table, pinless or pinned blades.
Quick release lever at the top back, to release blade tension (don't get screw-type release knobs).
Very little vibration (I don't even bolt it down).
It was about £75 when I bought it-not sure of price now.
brucio75":1k2jtltt said:
I've got a SIP 16" saw. Had it for four or five years, never been any trouble.

The motor on my SiP burned out.
If I'm not too late, I echo aggragig's comments on the Einhell. Mine was a different model to the one shown in the link by the OP but I must say mine was almost completely carp. About the only thing you could say for it was that the blade did go up and down (but also side to side, as just one example of faults that I spent hours trying to fix - mostly without 100% success).

In my experience Einhell are a funny lot - they not only do a lot of "badge engineering" and employ a huge range of names for their own and for bought-in stuff but they also make stuff/get it made for others such as Lidl and Aldi - generally quite good stuff too (for the price). Some of their own label stuff is really quite good for the price too, other stuff is virtually unusable and complete rubbish. In that 2nd category I include not only the above-mentioned scroll saw but also a belt/disc sander - literally unusable.

In short, I'd steer well clear of that scroll saw.

beganasatree":2meyiqlb said:
Who is Andy.

Ha ha! I have no idea? I don't know how that got there and didn't notice it.

I haven't edited it out now or these comments wouldn't make sense.


Hi all
No worries I've been called a hell of a lot worse though being called Andy is terrible lol, luckily no one was hurt just was part of a period of disasters on the home front for us but what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.
I hear what everyone is saying about the saws and the AWFS18 was a great saw but that's my budget and that's my choices. So if anyone can advise on those that would be great.
Claymore, I too had a problem with a warped arm on the earlier Einhell model (which I bought direct from them, not via Lidl/Aldi).

For a while I was tempted to try and straighten the warped arm, but as it looked like cast "monkey metal" (on my model) I chickened out 'cos it was badly out of true. I then bought the Excali which is, of course, a whole different ball game in terms of quality (not to mention cost)!

@"Andy" (!) I have no knowledge of any of the others you listed, sorry, but as above I'd just say steer clear of Einhell.

AES (Andy - but not "that" Andy!)
Trust me even the second coming could not resurrect it is completely destroyed amongst other things hence my budget. Rebuilding what we lost comes first but at least with a £100 scroll saw I can get started again but which one???
Andy no Rob no Andy #-o sod it just call me Fred ](*,)

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