Hedgehog relocation


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Still Learning
17 Nov 2018
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
We have had a hedgehog living under our firewood pile of for the past couple of years. Unfortunately I need to move the firewood to make way for my new workshop build to start in a couple of weeks so it will need to find somewhere else to live.

Daft though it may seem I feel a bit bad as said hedgehog has been a good tenant. I am happy to knock up a suitable alternative hedgehog house (much better than living under a pallet) but I guess the chance of it finding it and moving in are remote. Has anyone any experience or thoughts as to whether it is worth a shot, if there is anything I can do to tempt it to move or should I just leave it to find a new home when the pallets come out?
I have a similar problem as I have a huge bonfire ready for Nov 5th, there are hedgehogs living in it and as I don't want roasted hogs I'm about to make a hedgehog house but won't be able to find the little blighters during the day so will have to put a chicken wire fence around the bonfire in the dead of night when they're out feasting.
No problem finding a location for the new pad but I have no idea how they'll find it. The only thing I can think of is placing food close by but I'm concerned about attracting rats.
Your best option is to follows Lons advice, go out a few hours after dark and put some netting down so they can’t back in. This time of year is still mild so they’ll soon find a new home.

However, if you feel bad then firstly you can build a feeding station. There’s numerous plans out there but it’s basically a box with a hole in the side, big enough for a hedgehog but too small for the cats. Go to a pet shop and buy dry cat food, make sure the first ingredient is some form of meat, some of the cheaper ones are veg based which isn’t so good for hogs. I’ve had a few mice visit ours but never rats (I have a camera)

Next step is to build a house or just make another pile of logs and leaves somewhere else which can stay.

Build your workshop.
Your best option is to follows Lons advice, go out a few hours after dark and put some netting down so they can’t back in. This time of year is still mild so they’ll soon find a new home.

However, if you feel bad then firstly you can build a feeding station. There’s numerous plans out there but it’s basically a box with a hole in the side, big enough for a hedgehog but too small for the cats. Go to a pet shop and buy dry cat food, make sure the first ingredient is some form of meat, some of the cheaper ones are veg based which isn’t so good for hogs. I’ve had a few mice visit ours but never rats (I have a camera)

Next step is to build a house or just make another pile of logs and leaves somewhere else which can stay.

Build your workshop.
Odd. My hedgehogs are bigger than my cats. Am I doing something wrong?

I do know that if you disturb the young in their nest, the mother will almost certainly eat them on her return. Therefore, if you ever stumble upon baby hedgehogs (which are probably the cutest things in the universe) it's up to you to rear them, which is virtually impossible. Complicated things, hedgehogs. Good news is that there probably aren't any young at this time of year.
Odd. My hedgehogs are bigger than my cats. Am I doing something wrong?

Feeding them too much;)

Hedgehogs are much smaller than they appear...I just kept making the hole smaller whilst watching with a camera. The hedgehogs kept coming but eventually the cat gave up. Of course you may have smaller cats than the ones round me.... I can measure my hole size at the weekend if that’s of any use?
Feeding them too much;)

Hedgehogs are much smaller than they appear...I just kept making the hole smaller whilst watching with a camera. The hedgehogs kept coming but eventually the cat gave up. Of course you may have smaller cats than the ones round me.... I can measure my hole size at the weekend if that’s of any use?
I don't feed the hedgehogs, at least not intentionally. I have to relocate one every now and then, as the dogs are deeply offended by them and their habit of not running away. Oddly they don't take against the tortoises who also don't run away, but I think it is being out and about at night that is the problem.

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