Hancock's Half Hour


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OK maybe you could expand a bit on why it matters to you whether commercial drivers can operate or not. From your previous posts, it should be unimportant. Safety first, like not opening schools whatever the impact.
Ok, I'll try. You wrote: 'you seem to be a "shut the world down " man'. I think one of the problems with some of the discussion in this thread is reducing people's positions to binaries - open/ shut. Clearly, just about everyone is somewhere between those two positions, including me. So, for example, I'm all in favour of schools reopening in September, but not on the terms planned by the government. You know that coz you've responded to my thoughts and suggestions above. So I'd advocate blended learning til the virus is under control (assuming it ever is) - in fact I'd advocate that beyond the virus as one of the ways things could improve in education, but that's another story. And I'd say pretty much the same for most other things - open them up in so far as possible without the threat of a second surge of the virus, based on predominant scientific advice. Our economy needs it. Again, I reckon 90% of people writing in this thread could agree with that (no i've not done the maths, just making figures up).

I think quarantine as the govt is requiring of people is a good thing, and it's a shame it wasn't instigated at the outset. Some say otherwise. But from what I've seen, huge numbers of people have been congregating in holiday places (while a friend's kids were in Brittany on hols with their mum, the R rate went from below 1 to 2.6 within a week, which he found pretty disturbing) and people coming back will do well to isolate from the rest of us til they know they're clear. But a fella who drives his truck to a remote part of France to drop something off and bring something back isn't exposed to all that, and that's why I'm happy that he can do so - it's both legal, and it is reasonable. Neither 0 or 1, somewhere in between, and hopefully reasonable given the info available.
Garno - the only thing I disagree with in your post is the problem of grade inflation - it is a problem exactly as you say, but it's not setting a precedent as it's clearly an extraordinary year. But the reason I raised the issue this morning was more about last night's u-turn on advice Ofqual had itself given on appeals just a few hours earlier. Amazing, and adding yet more anxiety to many young people's experience at the moment.
This a very mysterious virus. It's most important that holiday makers quarantine on return from France, but not working drivers..
If you work in a shop you don't have to wear a mask, but if you pop next door for a 20 regal, you must put one on.
But a fella who drives his truck to a remote part of France to drop something off and bring something back isn't exposed to all that,

Ok I didn't realise it was just remote parts of France. Wheeew. Thank god they are not going to busy depots, cities or towns, mixing with french people, or buying food and diesel, stopping for ciggies or banging French ladies who like to provide comfort at truck stops :) hopefully they put a mask on, that'll sort it.
and adding yet more anxiety to many young people's experience at the moment.

This is why schools need to return. Blended learning is great for well off and middle class families with a driving force at home but a massive percentage of kids will be left behind.
First post - hilarious Bob.
Second post - see my previous reply to that same comment.
If you don't really want to discuss stuff, don't bother asking eh?
Every year some students who do not achieve the grade they expect appeal and have their work re-marked. This is completely right and fair.

But children have not suddenly become more gifted this year compared to the last few. Any material increase in grades can only be down to grade inflation and over-generosity on the part of teachers.

Ofqual in April produced the principles by which grades would be given - in particular that they would moderate any grade inflation to bring results overall broadly into line with previous years. It is possible they got their model wrong, but not the general principle.

Schools have presided over a system which has over-estimated grades. It was clearly easier to mark students generously to avoid possible parental confrontation and disappointed students.

I think the cave in by Sturgeon in Scotland was completely lacking in integrity, and the rest of the UK is making similar compromises.

Despite the shambles crated by educators, media and government, it may just be that fewer foreign students will allow universities to offer most students the courses they aspire to. The first year may highlight the inadequacy of those who gained their place on the back of exaggerated grades.
If you don't really want to discuss stuff, don't bother asking eh?

Sorry no idea what you want me to discuss, I just think you are wrong (ok maybe not wrong but it seems like you want your cake and eat it) and say things which make no sense to me.
Not just you, both sides of the discussion are showing signs of selfishness in what should and should not apply.

I.e. "I can't believe we have travelled all this way to the beach and it's so crowded, how can we keep our distance with this amount of people"
Sorry no idea what you want me to discuss, I just think you are wrong (ok maybe not wrong but it seems like you want your cake and eat it) and say things which make no sense to me.
ok, I shan't bother trying to reply honestly to your questions in future.
ok, I shan't bother trying to reply honestly to your questions in future.

But you weren't honest, you said drivers to france were going to remote places...... :D which suits your thinking and expaination, but not reality.
Gawd. 'But a fella who drives his truck to a remote part of France to drop something off and bring something back isn't exposed to all that, and that's why I'm happy that he can do so - it's both legal, and it is reasonable.' This is the fella who is doing the delivery for me, which is where our 'discussion' started, not all drivers who are going to France. Jesus h.

Anyway, I think I've had enough of all this, things on the forum definitely going down hill rapidly, all getting a bit childish. Tarraaa butts, good luck with the power struggle and all that. But many thanks to those of you who've helped me out so much over the years. Cx
Gawd. 'But a fella who drives his truck to a remote part of France to drop something off and bring something back isn't exposed to all that, and that's why I'm happy that he can do so - it's both legal, and it is reasonable.' This is the fella who is doing the delivery for me, which is where our 'discussion' started, not all drivers who are going to France. Jesus h.

Anyway, I think I've had enough of all this, things on the forum definitely going down hill rapidly, all getting a bit childish. Tarraaa butts, good luck with the power struggle and all that. But many thanks to those of you who've helped me out so much over the years. Cx

Ok so it is about your circumstances then. I thought we were talking about the whole picture and not just this attitude of I'm OK because my position is slightly different to you AKA Dominic Cummings. Drop out if you wish, don't try and blame it on 2 posts by me though, otherwise it looks a bit silly, I know I'm annoying but that would be a record for me. These power struggles as you like to call them are meaningless, just ignore it and it will all be normal in a few weeks, no body really cares.
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If you don't like what you are reading, don't read it and if you don't like what someone is saying, ignore them (if you do ignore them though, don't come back sniping and egging on other members like that kid who stands behind the bully shouting out mean words and then running, mentioning no names Roger lol). The attitude of some people here really surprises me, I wonder if they act like that in real life, if so, how do they cope? Some guys on here have been on this planet for 70 or more years and they act like spoilt children, a lot worse than the millennials they seemingly despise so much.
Not your posts Bob, really - I quite like most of yours. But it's got quite political (in the true sense of the word) the last few days in the AOB section and i really can't be arsed thinking about it. new pastures and all that. :)

eta - how do you get out of this place? Is there a close account button somewhere?! Thanks.

Oh, I've just seen your post R - confirms my wish to leave.
Just give it a break for a month or two, then decide. Works wonders for me.
The important thing is to realise all this internet stuff is irrelevant, real life is not.
Couldn't agree more Bob - but it starts to matter in my mind, which is a part of reality - I'm also ditching FB, again it seems like I'm wasting time on it when I could be doing better things.
According to the

Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy the fatality rate world wide is 1.4% .

If you factor in the amount of over counting, by that I mean the number of people who later died of something else after testing positive for covid. is it really a pandemic, and does it merit the massive over reaction we have seen from governments around the world?

That'd be nearly a million dead for the UK.
I think it's 1.4% of people who have it, not 1.4% of the entire population.
Correct so deduct maybe 15-20% depending on the circumstances. But then add a multiple of 3-5 if you allow it to run out of control like Lombardy.
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