Rorschach":1kmwzfxk said:
As for those who mention the rubbish. I calculate the rubbish to be 66g per person, so not exactly a lot and we don't know if that includes what was put into the bins as the MSM are very good at telling porkies.
Well, with that comment any last vestige of credibility you had with me has gone out of the window pal. You're talking out of your rear end. I live in Bournemouth, about ten minutes walk from the beach. I can tell you for a fact, having witnessed the aftermath, that the area between the two piers, and westward towards Sandbanks, a stretch of two or three miles, was like armageddon on Wednesday and Thursday evenings after the 'visitors' departed. Acres of plastic bags, bottles, cans, takeaway cartons, still smouldering barbecues, soiled nappies and toilet paper, boxes and bottles containing urine and faeces. You can fantasise all you like, but I am an eye witness.