Hancock's Half Hour


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was watching a BBC report today about how covid damages your lungs, for that reason alone it's worth avoiding, people that still think this is a little cold are very ill informed, it causes permanent lung damage in 20-30% of cases, that's quite a high percentage.
thetyreman":1je7xd9l said:
was watching a BBC report today about how covid damages your lungs, for that reason alone it's worth avoiding, people that still think this is a little cold are very ill informed, it causes permanent lung damage in 20-30% of cases, that's quite a high percentage.

Now now, you are taking things out of context there and using it to bolster your case, naughty!

Here is the actual quote, quite a big difference from what you just said.

"In the six-week scans we're seeing, so far I would say between 20% and 30% of patients who have been in hospital appear to show some early signs of lung scarring,"
Rorschach":3r776j7t said:
thetyreman":3r776j7t said:
was watching a BBC report today about how covid damages your lungs, for that reason alone it's worth avoiding, people that still think this is a little cold are very ill informed, it causes permanent lung damage in 20-30% of cases, that's quite a high percentage.

Now now, you are taking things out of context there and using it to bolster your case, naughty!

Here is the actual quote, quite a big difference from what you just said.

"In the six-week scans we're seeing, so far I would say between 20% and 30% of patients who have been in hospital appear to show some early signs of lung scarring,"

it still doesn't make it any less serious, we're talking about pulmonary fibrosis, still a good reason to AVOID covid, that was my point.
thetyreman":enhltcvj said:
it still doesn't make it any less serious, we're talking about pulmonary fibrosis, still a good reason to AVOID covid, that was my point.

It absolutely does. What you implied is totally different to what that article said.
RogerS":3g18lo6h said:
Well, if today is anything to go by, the 'new' normal is the 'old' normal. Needed to send a letter Special Delivery so popped down to the local (very small) town. Every shop open including hairdressers. Groups sitting on benches together, chilling out in the sunshine. 2m ? Dream on 1m? Dream on even further. Not an attempt at any form of social distancing. Not a mask in sight. Covid doesn't exist. Never did. It was a conspiracy.
Hardly anyone bothering with masks in shops here too - not surprising as they were talked down by our govt from the outset in spite of the wealth of expert opinion stating they're important. It's almost like you're a bit odd if you wear one, slightly embarrassing. As for the 1m, well that's our normal personal space - if people don't follow all the other mitigating precautions it'll be spreading quickly again soon I'd think - especially as much of the UK is already near R1, some above apparently.
I don't think the British People's Common Sense is going to protect us for very long. Common sense says the sun rises every morning.
Some thirty inches from my nose
The frontier of my Person goes,
And all the untilled air between
Is private pagus or demesne.
Stranger, unless with bedroom eyes
I beckon you to fraternize,
Beware of rudely crossing it:
I have no gun, but I can spit.

W H Auden
Rorschach":1yogiwxe said:
thetyreman":1yogiwxe said:
it still doesn't make it any less serious, we're talking about pulmonary fibrosis, still a good reason to AVOID covid, that was my point.

It absolutely does. What you implied is totally different to what that article said.

The article also says

“More detailed data from two other earlier coronavirus outbreaks, Sars and Mers, found between 20% and 60% of patients experienced some form of health problem consistent with pulmonary fibrosis.”

The description of pulmonary fibrosis in the article is pretty horrendous.

Pretty much a fair point made by thetyreman.
Blackswanwood":2jtqn9y9 said:
Rorschach":2jtqn9y9 said:
thetyreman":2jtqn9y9 said:
it still doesn't make it any less serious, we're talking about pulmonary fibrosis, still a good reason to AVOID covid, that was my point.

It absolutely does. What you implied is totally different to what that article said.

The article also says

“More detailed data from two other earlier coronavirus outbreaks, Sars and Mers, found between 20% and 60% of patients experienced some form of health problem consistent with pulmonary fibrosis.”

The description of pulmonary fibrosis in the article is pretty horrendous.

Pretty much a fair point made by thetyreman.

No it really isn't a fair point, are you reading a different article or something? Who cares what happened with SARS or MERS, this isn't either of those.
Rorschach":2y2cb22e said:
Blackswanwood":2y2cb22e said:
Rorschach":2y2cb22e said:
It absolutely does. What you implied is totally different to what that article said.

The article also says

“More detailed data from two other earlier coronavirus outbreaks, Sars and Mers, found between 20% and 60% of patients experienced some form of health problem consistent with pulmonary fibrosis.”

The description of pulmonary fibrosis in the article is pretty horrendous.

Pretty much a fair point made by thetyreman.

No it really isn't a fair point, are you reading a different article or something? Who cares what happened with SARS or MERS, this isn't either of those.

I’m reading an article with the headline “Coronavirus: Warning thousands could be left with lung damage“ on the BBC website. Come to think of it even the headline confirms it’s a fair point.
Blackswanwood":590pm7tk said:
I’m reading an article with the headline “Coronavirus: Warning thousands could be left with lung damage“ on the BBC website. Come to think of it even the headline confirms it’s a fair point.

I give up, just stay in your own little world.
Rorschach":2pfosdun said:
Blackswanwood":2pfosdun said:
I’m reading an article with the headline “Coronavirus: Warning thousands could be left with lung damage“ on the BBC website. Come to think of it even the headline confirms it’s a fair point.

I give up, just stay in your own little world.

That’s actually quite a childish response given all I have done is point out someone made a fair point based on medical facts reported by the BBC. You don’t need agree with me but there is no need to be rude.
Blackswanwood":11wlolep said:
That’s actually quite a childish response given all I have done is point out someone made a fair point based on medical facts reported by the BBC. You don’t need agree with me but there is no need to be rude.

Yep it is childish. But you still don't get it.
Read tyremans statement, then read the article. If you cannot see the glaring mistake (or intentional subterfuge) in what he wrote then I cannot help you.
Rorschach":2bm1cquc said:
Blackswanwood":2bm1cquc said:
That’s actually quite a childish response given all I have done is point out someone made a fair point based on medical facts reported by the BBC. You don’t need agree with me but there is no need to be rude.

Yep it is childish. But you still don't get it.
Read tyremans statement, then read the article. If you cannot see the glaring mistake (or intentional subterfuge) in what he wrote then I cannot help you.

I don’t see either a glaring mistake or subterfuge. He made his point based on what he had seen on TV. I’ve read the article and you can read it selectively but the summary is that there is a problem for a notable proportion of people who have had C19 with lung scarring aka Pulmonary Fibrosis and this also has been the experience with previous coronaviruses. He’s made a fair point. I’ve no idea what thethremans wider views on lockdown are as I dip in and out of this thread but would hazard a guess from you feeling the need to pick a fight and be so dismissive of his comments that they don’t align with your own arguably dogmatic and ideological view on the matter.

Oh - and just in case you think I’m at the opposite end of the spectrum and thinking we should all stay locked down I don’t. Where we do definitely differ though is that I can respect other people’s views.

Feel free to fire off another of your ripostes in reply - I wont be responding as I’m comfortable enough in my own skin to not need have the last word.
Blackswanwood":3e5xor78 said:
I don’t see either a glaring mistake or subterfuge. He made his point based on what he had seen on TV. I’ve read the article and you can read it selectively but the summary is that there is a problem for a notable proportion of people who have had C19 with lung scarring aka Pulmonary Fibrosis and this also has been the experience with previous coronaviruses. He’s made a fair point. I’ve no idea what thethremans wider views on lockdown are as I dip in and out of this thread but would hazard a guess from you feeling the need to pick a fight and be so dismissive of his comments that they don’t align with your own arguably dogmatic and ideological view on the matter.

Oh - and just in case you think I’m at the opposite end of the spectrum and thinking we should all stay locked down I don’t. Where we do definitely differ though is that I can respect other people’s views.

Feel free to fire off another of your ripostes in reply - I wont be responding as I’m comfortable enough in my own skin to not need have the last word.

I am going to try one last time. He wrote:

"it causes permanent lung damage in 20-30% of cases"

The article states:

"20% and 30% of patients who have been in hospital appear to show some early signs of lung scarring"

These are vastly different statements. The first one says that 20-30% of ALL people who get coronavirus will have permanent lung damage.
The article says that a % of those WHO WERE IN HOSPITAL show early signs of scarring.

80% or more of people who contract C19 don't show symptoms, a tiny % of those who actually get it end up in hospital and then a % of those people show early signs of scarring. Can you see the difference now?
RogerS":19l0592g said:
Terry - Somerset":19l0592g said:
The new normal may be very different to the old - work from home, online shopping and delivery, investment to reduce complexity and length of overseas supply chains, etc. Behaviours and attitudes may change - live to work, or work to live. ......

Well, if today is anything to go by, the 'new' normal is the 'old' normal. Needed to send a letter Special Delivery so popped down to the local (very small) town. Every shop open including hairdressers. Groups sitting on benches together, chilling out in the sunshine. 2m ? Dream on 1m? Dream on even further. Not an attempt at any form of social distancing. Not a mask in sight. Covid doesn't exist. Never did. It was a conspiracy. Simply bloody stupid.

Total opposite in my local town. Is it a northern thing?
Town was dead this afternoon by 3pm, lots of masks and people pooping themselves if you were walking towards them 50 yards away.
We had a local incident on facebook where a woman called 999 as she entered the underpass to sainsbury's first and someone entered from the other direction and refused to turn around ...... :roll: I would have refused as well, proper mental. Underpass is 2m wide, but I'm happy to walk pass people in the street at a reasonable distance i'e 1m.
Rorschach":2fhjm2nc said:
Can you see the difference now?

Give it a fff*** rest! :roll: You seize every opportunity to try to shout down anyone who differs from your tunnel vision opinion, I wouldn't wish ill on my worst enemy, usually, but if anyone in your family becomes infected and suffers the lasting lung damage that C19 can cause It would be better if it's you rather than one of the others. You can then honestly speak from a position of personal experience rather than Google cherry picking, though no doubt you'd still find a way to dismiss the cause as something else.

then I cannot help you.

I think there are more than a few on here wouldn't give you the time of day never mind accept your help, count me in that number!
Rorschach":2w19f7ve said:
"it causes permanent lung damage in 20-30% of cases"

The article states:

"20% and 30% of patients who have been in hospital appear to show some early signs of lung scarring"

These are vastly different statements. The first one says that 20-30% of ALL people who get coronavirus will have permanent lung damage.

In fairness, whether you are for lockdown, against lockdown, want the economy up and running, don't care about economy, whatever you want, the above statement by Roschach does point out the difference in the claim and what the article states.
doctor Bob":2fs6gmwg said:
Total opposite in my local town. Is it a northern thing?
Town was dead this afternoon by 3pm, lots of masks and people pooping themselves if you were walking towards them 50 yards away.
We had a local incident on facebook where a woman called 999 as she entered the underpass to sainsbury's first and someone entered from the other direction and refused to turn around ...... :roll: I would have refused as well, proper mental. Underpass is 2m wide, but I'm happy to walk pass people in the street at a reasonable distance i'e 1m.
I don't think it's just a Northern thing Bob, my niece, a nurse in London is complaining about the numbers of people ignoring distancing and not wearing masks but it is happening around me as well as I already posted re Costco and Morrisons visits on Friday, I was also back in Morpeth on Sunday, loads of people, very few masks, groups of people who clearly aren't close family ( unless they have a lot of siblings :wink: )

There was a party just outside the village on the moor on Saturday night, 20 to 30 "kids" with booze and food and the only distancing observed was to be as close as possible to those of the opposite sex. At least they cleared up their rubbish afterwards.
A northern thing? My wife works in Truro and she says it's just as if nothing has happened - even the tramps, drunks and drug addicts are back as there are plenty of of people there now to beg from.
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